3. Alice Meadows (2016) Eight reasons you should get—and use—an ORCID iD. Available at: https://genestogenomes.org/eight-reasons-you-should-get-and-use-an-orcid-id/ [Accessed 6 December, 2023] 4. Alice Meadows (2015) ORCID Peer Review –earlyadopters.Available at: https://orcid.org...
如果需要更换邮箱或管理多个邮箱,可以在ORCID账户设置中进行操作。 正确的“打开方式”是:Account settings(账户设置)→My email addresses(我的邮箱地址)→Add Another Email(添加其他邮箱),添加成功后在该邮箱右侧点击Make Primary(成为主邮箱)并发送邮件验证通过,旧邮箱如...
Springer Nature collaborates with the ORCID organization to ensure that your research contributions (as authors and peer reviewers) are correctly attributed to you. How can I get an ORCID iD? Registration is free atorcid.org/register. It takes less than a minute. ...
If your ORCID iD is not already recognized by the system, then you may add your ORCID by selecting the “YES” checkbox and entering your ORCID credentials into the pop-up window (Figure C). Once the ORCID is confirmed, it will appear with the verified logo in the top ...
#6898: Fix NPE when checking for the peer review source v2.40.3 - 2023-10-03 Full Changelog #6897: 8716 source sorting option #6895: feature: Add sorting by source functionality to funding and works Fix Update comparator class to not be static so we can assign an orcid id every time...
How did you decide to implement ORCID Peer Review Deposit? Providing robust credit for the work that every participant contributes to the research and publication process is crucial to empowering researchers at all levels, and we’re always looking for new ways to improve how we do this at PL...
main 48Branches0Tags Code README License ORCID-Model This repository contains the data model used in the ORCID Registry and APIs as well as Java classes used for mashalling/unmarshalling. orcid-model is available in Maven centralhttps://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.orcid/orcid-model/3.0.4 ...
正确的“打开方式”是:Account settings(账户设置)→My email addresses(我的邮箱地址)→Add Another Email(添加其他邮箱),添加成功后在该邮箱右侧点击Make Primary(成为主邮箱)并发送邮件验证通过,旧邮箱如不再需要,可点击垃圾桶图标删除。同一账户下亦可保留多个邮箱。
lizkrznarich requested a review from amontenegro Oct 6, 2017 amontenegro requested changes Oct 6, 2017 View changes orcid-core/src/main/java/org/orcid/pojo/ajaxForm/AffiliationForm.java Outdated public class AffiliationForm implements ErrorsInterface, Serializable { @Resource private OrgDisambig...
To recognize peer review in this way, it must be made more transparent. This transparency is a clear step forward for open research, irrespective of whether or not the review itself is open. In 2014, a community partnership, led by ORCID, F1000 Research and the standards body Consortia ...