Keikis can be easily grown into new plants. Leave them in place until they have sprouted new leaves and shoots around 2 inches (5cm) long. When root growth begins, remove the keiki and pot it up using orchid planting mix. (Image credit: Getty Images) Common Orchid Problems Whenorchid prob...
it can be cut. Prune the spike off at the base, being careful not to accidentally snip any leaves or roots as well. Phalaenopsis orchids are an exception: they will often produce more flowers from the same flower spike, so don’t be too quick to snip it once the flowers fade. In fac...
Orchid Lifecycle in Spring vs Fall In spring, your orchid will sprout new leaves. In fall, after the blooms have dropped, expect to see a bloom spike from which blooms will reappear in early spring. No, your orchid is not dead! As long as the roots are bright green and its leaves are...
New Vitality - Paphiopedilum liemianum (Java) The plant from which this essence was made very clearly indicates its gift of stamina in that the blooms come in succession on each 'spike', and each given spike of the plant can be in bloom for a year or more. Provides vitality under circum...
When all of the blooms have fallen off a bloom spike, you may cut it off (within an inch of the plant). This gives the plant a chance to grow new leaves and roots which will assure a strong new bloom spike growth the following season. It is sometimes possible to prune the spike ...
New Vitality - Paphiopedilum liemianum (Java) The plant from which this essence was made very clearly indicates its gift of stamina in that the blooms come in succession on each 'spike', and each given spike of the plant can be in bloom for a year or more. Provides vitality under circum...