Free orchestral sample library. Virtual instrument to use in your productions. Runs in free SINEplayer (VST, VST3, AU, AAX)
1 Log in or set up an Orchestral Tools account 2 Download the SINEplayer 3 Run SINE, load your instruments, and make great music Free orchestral instrument Layers is a free orchestral instrument. It's not part of the SINEfactory series, but it's also added to your licenses when you...
Recorded in one of Berlin’s best-sounding music halls, Layers is honestly so good that we’re not sure why it’s free. But whether it’s for marketing purposes or just goodwill doesn’t matter. Layers is a great orchestral VST plugin that sounds incredible. Download:Orchestral Tools Layer...
An extensive range of features can be found in this cello virtual instrument. Cello sustains are convincing, and pizzicato sounds realistic. It has four velocity layers that respond in different ways to how hard the strings are struck or plucked, which helps make it sound more natural. The plu...
Layers 是由 Orchestral Tools 推出的首款免费管弦乐音色库,17GB 的高质量管弦乐采样内容分为乐队、木管乐器、铜管乐器和弦乐器四个类别,需与由该公司开发的免费虚拟乐器插件 SINE Player 一起使用。 免费的 Layers 音色库旨在通过简单的一键式操作让用户使用弦乐成为举手之劳。所包含的采样都是在位于柏林的著名录音...
Layers 是由 Orchestral Tools 推出的首款免费管弦乐音色库,17GB 的高质量管弦乐采样内容分为乐队、木管乐器、铜管乐器和弦乐器四个类别,需与由该公司开发的免费虚拟乐器插件 SINE Player 一起使用。 免费的 Layers 音色库旨在通过简单的一键式操作让用户使用弦乐成为举手之劳。所包含的采样都是在位于柏林的著名录音...
Freebie: Layers. Also situated in Berlin areNative Instruments, creators of music software (including the ubiquitous Kontakt sample player) and hardware since 1996. Though not known as orchestral specialists, NI collaborated with several other developers to produce the Symphony ...
In PVS (as I’ll have to call it to placate my spellchecker) Orchestral Tools adopt an unusual approach with their velocity crossfades. This feature assigns dynamic control to your keyboard’s mod wheel, enabling you to crossfade smoothly between instruments’ dynamic layers and create natural‑...
After launching the SINE Player for the first time (either standalone as a plugin), enter your Orchestral Tools user account credentials. Once logged in, download the Layers sound content from the My Licenses tab in Sine Player. More info: Orchestral Tools Layers (32-bit & 64-bit VST/AU ...
In the Altered Time section, the sustains have instrument layers that move forward and back, and may be slowed down or speeded up. The effect is entrancing, suspending the regular passage of time. 10 instrument ensembles, 3 full sections ...