**allegro 原理图设计中可能使用多个相同的多逻辑器件,如FMC接插件,Annotate重分配位号时可能产生如下报错信息: **ERROR(ORCAP-1376): Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part ‘J?-1(Value FMC_HPC_F) at location (2.70, 0.30) on page FMC_LS’, part has not been uniquely grouped (using a ...
A(Value NE5532)', part has not been uniquely grouped (using a common User Property with differing Values) or the device designation has not been chosen Done updating part references 多个元件没有正确分组。 下面介绍使用方法。 第一步:在元件库中建立元件。 第二步:给元件创建新的属性,用这个新的属...
Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part 'U?A(V alue) at location (1.70, 7.10) on page ADC', part has not been uniquely grouped (using a common User Property with differing Values) or the device designation has not been chosen 网上搜了一下,得到一种简单的方法。 可按如下步骤修改软件...
annotation of heterogeneous part 'T?-1(Value HST-72001D)', part has not been uniquely grouped ...
如果一个元件包含多个部分,Homogeneous类型或Heterogeneous类型。使用过程中要注意几点。使用不当会出错。首先看看直接使用出现什么错误。在原理图中放置元件。进行索引编号。出现如下错误信息。 ERROR [ANN0005] Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part 'N?A(Value NE5532)', part hasnot been uniquely grouped(...
OrCAD原理图中分裂元件自动编号的方法 原理图含有分裂元件时,Cadence自动编号报错 Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part 'U?A(V alue) at location (1.70, 7.10) on page ADC', part has not been uniquely grouped (using a common User Property with differing Values) or the device designation...
Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part "N?A(Value NE5532)", part hasnot been uniquely grouped(using a common User Property with differing Values) or the device designation has not been chosen Done updating part references 多个元件没有正确分组。
Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part 'N?A(Value NE5532)', part hasnot been uniquely grouped(using a common User Property with differing Values) or the device designation has not been chosen Done updating part references 多个元件没有正确分组。 下面介绍使用方法。 第一步:在元件库中建立元...
ERROR [ANN0005]Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part 'N?A(Value NE5532)', part hasnot been uniquely grouped(using acommon User Property with differing Values) or the device designation has not been chosen Done updating part references多个元件没有正确分组。
Cannot perform annotation of heterogeneous part 'U?A(Value MT48LC4M32B2)', part has not been uniquely grouped (using a common User Property with differing Values) or the device designation has not been chosen Done updating part references不知道怎么回事,请高手解答!0...