要更改的话需要到当前项目的设计缓存中,找到该元件,然后选择替换,在替换操作中,你选择你的新的库,找一个同样的元件把它换下来,则source library就变成你新的库名字了。替换掉之后,项目中所有用到这个元件的都会变更。
这种错误只要更新Edit Part 对应的器件就行了,也就是进Edit Part,出来选择Update_Current.比如你上图中的C151.你按照下图中的步骤去处理就能解决了.
5、如何在orcad中填加新的元气件方法一: 在原理图中加好元器件后,ECO到LAYOUT图.方法二: 直接在LAYOUTL图里面用TOOL->COMPONENT->NEW功能增加元件.10、ERROR: DRC00031 Package has same name but different source library这是因为是什么原因?可能是有两个元件使用相同的元件序号。(我怎么看是:相同的封装来自不...
copy过来以后的图发现上面的part的属性里source library和source package都不能改 我看了capture的资料,里面说 Caution: An attached schematic folder or other file external to the project or library is not lcdhomed with the project or library. If you copy or move ...
OrCAD Capture 使用File –> Export –> Design XML 或 Library XML 指令以及File –> Import –> Design XML 或Library XML 指令,可以透过<程式安装目录中>\tools\capture\tclscripts\capdb\dsn.xd、olb.xd 程式将电路图、零件库输出为XML 格式,以及将XML 格式重新载入成为标准电路图、零件库。6...
Installing OrCAD 9.2 安装破解说明 Installing OrCAD 9.2 (1)Disable Anti-virus programs (2)Run the program setup.exe Licensing (3)Choose: Standalone Install Product on Standalone Computer (4)Enter the key Codes:B F I K (5)Enter the authorization code: 12345 (6)Click YES to override all...
Do not change updated properties visibility:不改变器件更新的属性的可见属性 Make the updated property visible:使器件更新的属性可见 Make the updated property invisible:使器件更新的属性不可见 Create a report file:产生报告文件 Property Update:要更新的属性文件 ...
Note that the OrCAD importer will convert the cached components contained in an imported*.DSNschematic file into an Altium Designer Schematic library (*.SchLib). The library's component entries will include any footprint references and parameters that are available from the source file. This functio...
been edited, select File/Update to design so that the padstack updates in the layout. This is required to ensure the update to the padstack appears in the PCB layout. Note that this will not update the padstack in your library, it will only update the instance used in the PCB layout....