Download Now! Direct link Orca is a Windows Installer package editor provided as part of the Windows Installer SDK that was designed to easily provide full access to the database tables that compose a Windows Installer package. Last update21 Dec. 2015LicenceFreeOS SupportWindowsDownloadsTotal: 82...
orca msi编辑工具是一个用于编辑微软数据库表的编辑器,Windows Installer 的mis文件很少有编辑器支持的,orca支持复制、粘贴、添加、删除等等操作,欢迎下载使用。 Orca介绍 由于现有 Windows Installer 工具的限制,您可能需要直接编辑 Windows Installer 程序包 (.msi) 文件。Orca 数据库编辑器是 Windows Installer SDK ...
原来Windows 10 SDK * 可以 * 安装orca(尽管该文件现在名为orca-x86_en-us.msi),但在通过Visual ...
Orca可以编辑,修改MSI格式安装包和Merge Module的数据库表。 Orca这个工具包含在Windows SDK Components for Windows Installer Developers中,可以下载获得。 万炳宏(Kevin Wan)...
1) Download theMicrosoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 2) You need only install the "Win32 Development Tools" component as shown here: 3) When installation is complete, you'll find the Orca installer hiding (by default) at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\Orca....
The default install directory for Orca is C:\program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\bin. In that folder is Orca.msi. Run the Orca.msi to install the app to disk, and you're ready to roll. If you choose a custom install directory, just look for the \bin folder in that...
Package UsingYarn: yarn add @picovoice/orca-web or usingnpm: npm install --save @picovoice/orca-web AccessKey Orca requires a valid PicovoiceAccessKeyat initialization.AccessKeyacts as your credentials when using Orca SDKs. You can get yourAccessKeyfor free. Make sure to keep yourAccessKeysecret....
Runs on Linux (x86_64), macOS (x86_64, arm64), Windows (x86_64, arm64), and Raspberry Pi (3, 4, 5). Installation npm install -g @picovoice/orca-node-demo AccessKey Orca requires a valid PicovoiceAccessKeyat initialization.AccessKeyacts as your credentials when using Orca SDKs. You ca...
Step 1 : Start Microsoft Orca. Microsoft Orca is available as part of the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and ,NET Framework 4 that you can download from the Microsoft website. Step 2 : Open CiscoJabberSetup.msi. a) Select File > Open. b)
Last time I checked the core platform SDK, it was 250MB or something like that. Now if you could get this in the MSDN library / Windows installer page, this would be very good (everyone googling orca gets to the Windows installer page, but then today you are automatically redirected to ...