Orca Tolerance Test Advanced calibration Max Volumetric speed [VFA] NOTE: After completing the calibration process, remember to create a new project in order to exit the calibration mode. NOTE2: @ItsDeidara has made a webpage to help with the calculation. Check it out if those equations give...
Do not limit the max window size by @Noisyfox inhttps://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/pull/3149 Bug fix: VFA Test fix by @igiannakas inhttps://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/pull/3230 Fix tutk logs location (#3209) by @Noisyfox inhttps://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/pull/3248 ...
In this case, the outer wall in 2.0.0 would slow down just enough to hit the VFA speed of my printer causing resonance, while with no outer wall slowdown POC, the outer surface is much smoother. Tested with PETG, with belts overtightened to show the artifacts as much as possible. Used...
Orca Tolerance Test Advanced calibration Max Volumetric speed [VFA] NOTE: After completing the calibration process, remember to create a new project in order to exit the calibration mode. Flow rate NOTE: For Bambulab X1/X1C users, make sure you do not select the 'Flow calibration' option. ...
Once test generated, one or more small rectangular prisms could be found on the plate, one for each test case. This object serves a few purposes: The test pattern itself is added in as custom G-Code at each layer, same as you could do by hand actually. The rectangular prism gives us...
Orca Tolerance Test Advanced calibration Max Volumetric speed [VFA] Important After completing the calibration process, remember to create a new project in order to exit the calibration mode. Tip @ItsDeidara has made a webpage to help with the calculation. Check it out if those equations give...
Orca Tolerance Test Advanced calibration Max Volumetric speed [VFA] NOTE: After completing the calibration process, remember to create a new project in order to exit the calibration mode. NOTE2: @ItsDeidara has made a webpage to help with the calculation. Check it out if those equations give...
To test for other faults, we conducted two additional experiments using Wi-Fi and serial communication (offline classification); these were: sampling at a rate lower than the Nyquist Frequency, and immobilizing the fan twice during the 300 s measurement period. When we conducted the experiments ...