This is Orca Slicer v2.2.0 Beta2 release. This version introduces some new features and fixes several bugs found in Beta 1. Known issues: The prime tower might act a bit oddly in this build when ramming is disabled. For more details, check out the ongoing discussions here: #6894 What'...
You may find that the retraction tower appears clean right from the start. In such situations, setting the retraction length to 0.2mm - 0.4mm using Orca Slicer should suffice. On the other hand, if there is still a lot of stringing at the top of the tower, it is recommended to dry ...
lacking genuine context, and seems to exist solely to profit from advertisements. Worse, it may redirect download links to harmful sources. For your safety, avoid downloading OrcaSlicer from this site as the links may be
Bambu slicer has this as a bug and hopes it’s not triggered. Orca sets some safe limits and edge case handling with the above. It allows you to change the wipe speed (hence the amount of retraction that can safely be done over that distance), also it allows you to change the wipe ...
bool needs_retraction(const Polyline& travel, ExtrusionRole role, LiftType& lift_type); std::string retract(bool toolchange = false, bool is_last_retraction = false, LiftType lift_type = LiftType::NormalLift); std::string unretract() { return m_writer.unlift() + m_writer.unretract()...
wrong default value for long retraction jira:NEW Signed-off-by: xun.zhang <> Change-Id: Ifc2ec57a320fdb14e7ca746e5795501ed146ff32 * FIX: error code pop-up window without retry button in some code JIRA: STUDIO-6922 Change-Id: I67464bebaba4558618301592c455db8824bbfe...
You may find that the retraction tower appears clean right from the start. In such situations, setting the retraction length to 0.2mm - 0.4mm using Orca Slicer should suffice. On the other hand, if there is still a lot of stringing at the top of the tower, it is recommended to dry ...
Note: When testing filaments such as PLA or ABS that have minimal oozing, the retraction settings can be highly effective. You may find that the retraction tower appears clean right from the start. In such situations, setting the retraction length to 0.2mm - 0.4mm using Orca Slicer should su...
You may find that the retraction tower appears clean right from the start. In such situations, setting the retraction length to 0.2mm - 0.4mm using Orca Slicer should suffice. On the other hand, if there is still a lot of stringing at the top of the tower, it is recommended to dry ...
You may find that the retraction tower appears clean right from the start. In such situations, setting the retraction length to 0.2mm - 0.4mm using Orca Slicer should suffice. On the other hand, if there is still a lot of stringing at the top of the tower, it is recommended to dry ...