The Flowrate test and retraction test is inspired by SuperSlicer The PA Line method is inspired by K-factor Calibration Pattern The PA Tower method is inspired by Klipper *The temp tower model is remixed from Smart compact temperature calibration tower *The max flowrate test was inspired by St...
Orca Slicer includes a pressure advance calibration pattern test adapted from Andrew Ellis' generator, which is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 3. Ellis' generator is itself adapted from a generator developed by Sineos for Marlin, which is licensed under GNU General Public License...
Orca Slicer includes a pressure advance calibration pattern test adapted from Andrew Ellis' generator, which is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 3. Ellis' generator is itself adapted from a generator developed by Sineos for Marlin, which is licensed under GNU General Public License...
Setup your PA test as usual from the calibration menu in Orca slicer. It is recommended that the PA step is set to a small value, to allow you to make meaningful distinctions between the different tests – **therefore a PA step value of 0.001 is recommended. ** Set the end PA to a ...
<image> </image> A calibration test ready to be printed out. </screenshot> </screenshots> <description> A 3D printer slicer forked from Bambu Studio, PrusaSlicer, and SuperSlicer with many more...
PA Pattern calibration: print flow value and acceleration by @buzzhuzz in #7178 Orca Slicer now print max flow value and acceleration in PA on the test prints for easy reference when PA Pattern is selected. Fixed a bug where the nozzle could collide with printed walls during travel movements...
Calibration Flow rate > Pass 1 Slice plate with default or any other presets Export G-code file (That printer doesn't have network plugin in OrcaSlicer) Try to print file using manufacturer app or USB stick Actual results Got an error: "The printing file is out of the print range. The...
Generate a custom temperature tower with the calibration tool, using max temp 295 and min temp 285 observe missing embossed numbers on stage 295 and 290 Actual results Numbers seem present but not embossed in the two first temperature tower stages. Expected results Expected result would be having...
See my Bridge test examples. You can use a modifier (or more) in the slicer that changes the speed of a few lower layers to the bridge, the temperature and speed should gradually decrease to the desired bridge speed. Example bellow for 50mm/s External Bridge speed. (This approach can on...
Implements #3211 by @vgdh directly in the slicer. And similar idea from prusa3d/PrusaSlicer#11621 by @MichaelJLew Todos: Fix the bug that the sloped seam will confuse the gcode preview to displa...