Killer Whale Facts For Kids: What Do Killer Whales Eat? Killer whales like to feast on fish (including sharks), cephalopods (squid and octopus) as well as other marine mammals, and sometimes even turtles and seabirds. Killer whales are skilled hunters and use methods such as ‘wave-hunting’...
Orcas, commonly known as killer whales, are large marine mammals that belong to the suborder odontoceti. Click for facts and worksheets in PDF format!
Orcas, sometimes called 'killer whales', are found living in every ocean on Earth. This lesson will teach you about these mammals, what they like to eat and what kind of animal they really are. What Are Orcas? Imagine sailing on a boat in the ocean. The sky is blue, the sun is out...
Orca Whale Facts: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 11/ Lesson 4 3.3K Orcas, sometimes called 'killer whales', are found living in every ocean on Earth. This lesson will teach you about these mammals, what they like to eat and what kind of animal they really are. ...