Order a card Order an Adult, Senior (65+) or Youth (6-18) card online and receive it by mail in 5-10 business days. Need help paying for public transportation? Find out about options for income qualified riders and persons with disabilities. ...
Sound Transit Link light rail ... Orca card的优势 可以在不同交通系统中换乘,纸质票是不能在不同公交系统中换乘的(如何知道自己是否同一公交系统,请在metro.kingcounty.gov中输入自己要做的班次,看是以上哪个公交系统),相同系统的公交可以在90mins内持纸质票(问司机大哥要)换乘。 价格优势:如果在西雅图停留时间...
I still rode the light rail sans payment, once. My protest ride. Paid into my account for the trip. Now that preparation is useless. So annoying and so archaic at this point. I'll buy another Orca card, hold a physical one, and I'll cancel my other one. I'm not mad... mostly...
After 60 days contact ORCA Customer Service to re-activate the E-purse. 看官网上说,在线充值24-48小时后,要在读卡器上刷一下激活。但是,在读卡器刷一下是不是要扣掉一次乘车费呀?谢谢了Value added takes 24-48 hours to process.Tap your card within 60 days at an ORCA card reader. After 60 days...
Get a card Reload my card ORCA for Business ORCA Help Center ORCA wants to hear from you! Share your experience using an ORCA LIFT card and let us know how we can make our materials more helpful for a chance to win a $100 VISA gift card. Take the survey here.How...
Discover everything you need to know about using your ORCA card and paying for transit in the Puget Sound region.
want to get off at the next stop. Exit through the bus’s back doors, if possible. Trains and boats stop at all scheduled stops, so be ready to get off when your stop is next. If you rode Link light rail or the Sounder train, tap your ORCA card when exiting to complete the trip...