Performance Analysis of Combined Power and Refrigeration: ORC-VCC SystemThe paper aims to give a performance examination of a cogeneration system combining power and refrigeration, based on an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) as well as Vapour Compression Cycle (VCC). The following working fluids R123,...
Energy-exergy analysis and economic investigation of a cogeneration and trigeneration ORC-VCC hybrid system utilizing biomass fuel and solar power Braimakis, Energy-exergy analysis and economic investigation of a cogeneration and trigeneration ORC-VCC hybrid system utilizing biomass fuel and solar power,....
女孩成年身高168,各年龄段需要长到多少。女孩骨龄大约在14岁,男孩骨龄大约在16岁时,骨骺接近闭合,身高逐渐停止长高。 青春期前一年监测一次骨龄,青春期的孩子半年监测一次骨龄,预防骨龄跑太快。 #身高管理 #身高 #骨龄 #长高方法 #为了长高 女孩成年身高168,各年龄段需要长到多少。女孩骨龄大约在14岁,男孩骨龄大约...
一、杨志超担任职务:杨志超目前担任清河县源顺汽车配件经销处法定代表人,同时担任清河县念辉汽车零部件有限公司监事;二、杨志超投资情况:目前杨志超投资清河县源顺汽车配件经销处最终收益股份为0%;三、杨志超的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,杨志超与杨晖光为商业合作伙伴。 财产...
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This manuscript presents a new combination based on a thermodynamic conversion, the idea is to combine the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with the Vapor Compression Cycle (VCC). The novelty of the system appears essentially in: the development of new ORC鈥揤CC combination architecture, the lowering...
An exergy analysis of various layouts of ORC-VCC systems for usage in waste heat recovery onboard shipsAn exergy based analysis is carried out for waste heat recovery from a marine Diesel engine using various layouts of organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) for driving a vapor compression refrigeration ...