兽人可能代指直立动物形态的人形生物,就是furry的那种。orc在dnd里就翻译为半兽人,half orc译为混血兽人,音译成奥克可以避免很多翻译上的争议。 来自手机贴吧6楼2022-08-31 23:35 回复 无赦 兽人 1 orc不就是翻译成奥克吗,知道是指半兽人就行 来自Android客户端7楼2022-09-01 06:33 回复 卧室...
【简 介】 以格乌什为首的兽人神系长期与地精神系、矮人神系和精灵神系(尤其是席德瑞恩诸神)处于交战状况,在费伦,祂们的化身在兽人门战争中对恩瑟神系和穆尔霍兰德神系造成了重创,其中格乌什斩杀拉神的显现体雷Re,成为了已知最早的弑神者。 神系中,茹赛可是格乌什的妻子,愚勇的巴格杵是茹赛可和格乌什的儿子,依...
【势力 范围】兽人Orc 【简 介】以格乌什为首的兽人神系长期与地精神系、矮人神系和精灵神系(尤其是席德瑞恩诸神)处于交战状况,在FR,祂们的化身在兽人门战争中对恩瑟神系和穆尔霍兰德神系造成了重创,其中格乌什阵斩雷,成为了已知最早的弑神者。 神系中,茹赛可是格乌什的妻子,愚勇的巴格杵是茹赛可和格乌什的儿...
【简 介】 以格乌什为首的兽人神系长期与地精神系、矮人神系和精灵神系(尤其是席德瑞恩诸神)处于交战状况,在费伦,祂们的化身在兽人门战争中对恩瑟神系和穆尔霍兰德神系造成了重创,其中格乌什斩杀拉神的显现体雷Re,成为了已知最早的弑神者。 神系中,茹赛可是格乌什的妻子,愚勇的巴格杵是茹赛可和格乌什的儿子,依...
Half-orcs are said to have inherited the blood of the Ruiner, and to carry the same bloodlust and fury that orcs do. Orcs and half-orcs do feel a certain pull toward violence and anger. But the simple truth is that there is no curse of ruin. No supernatural power drives orcs to ...
Download theOrc Patrol Encounter (PDF) here. The PCs come upon an ancient watch tower deep in a crop of dense woods through which they’ve been travelling. The tower’s commanding view of the surrounding area makes it an ideal place to set up camp for the night. The ...
He was succeeded by hi" oldest son, Thomas Howard, who was our ancestor, Sir John Bourchier, Iast Boutchiet Lord Berner's half brother. He was born in 1473. Ijke his father he held a number of important posts uoder ttre Crov'n. He served under his father in Scotland. He was the...
Upper half of noFFziigzgluuerrdee i2v2.e. UrUgppepnpeterrs hehcaatlliffo onoff fnnroozmzzzlaleed ddaipivvteerrdggeeMnntot sCseecfcottiiroonsne fvfrreoormmal aaodrgapanteidc fMluoidCs faotr ps0erv=e0ra.7l6 o7r,gTa0nr =ic1 flf.l0u2id8:s( ...
Examined sites of limited protease susceptibility that differ between ATP-DnaA and ADP-DnaA largely reside in the amino terminal half of DnaA. The concentration of adenine nucleotide needed to induce conformational changes, as detected by these protease susceptibilities of DnaA, coincides with the ...