再次执行同步索引的时候,oracle才会保持文档内容同步。 8)关于建立以及同步索引的时候发生的错误信息可以从ctx_user_index_errors用户视图中查看。 9)索引同步: exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('mydocs_text_index'); 索引优化:exec ctx_ddl.optimize_index('mydocs_text_index','full');...
When they arrived in Kalimdor, they were greeted by Cairne Bloodhoof and his tauren. The orcs helped Cairne fend off the centaurs, and in return, he told the orcs the location of the Oracle. The Warsong clan however, was sent to Ashenvale to cut lumber as punishment for attacking the ...
When they arrived in Kalimdor, they were greeted by Cairne Bloodhoof and his tauren. The orcs helped Cairne fend off the centaurs, and in return, he told the orcs the location of the Oracle. The Warsong clan however, was sent to Ashenvale to cut lumber as punishment for attacking the ...
ORCOracle Resources ORCOrganic Research Centre(UK) ORCOtago Regional Council(New Zealand) ORCOntario Realty Corporation ORCOperator in Responsible Charge(water treatment) ORCOutdoor Recreation Center ORCOffshore Racing Council(sailboat racing) ORCOperations Research Center(Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
Within Emacs you should be able to save your file (C-x C-s) and reload it into the REPL (C-c C-w) to get your server-side changes to take effect. Within Vim withvim-fireplaceyou can eval a form withcpp, a paragraph withcpip, etc; check out its help file for more information...
They often regard half-elves, who appear less threatening than full-blooded elves but have many elven features, as particularly appealing targets. Orcs view humans as race of sheep with a few wolves living in their midst. They freely kill or oppress humans too weak to fend them off but ...
partialtestoracleforthetestinput rstrowisatransitionfromSS1theSelectService1cluster toSN theSubmitNewcluster Theinputalphabetcodesareassignedarbitrarilyasamatterofconvenience asareferenceforthefullconstraintintheconstraintcolumns column2 Theoutputsarethetargetstatesofthetransitions Table7 AnnotationsforInfoFormFSM...
The Cisco UCS 5108 Blade Server Chassis is six rack units (6RUs) high and can mount in an industry-standard 19-inch rack. A single chassis can house up to eight half-width Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers and can accommodate both half-width and full-width blade form factors. Four sin...
Install Java: http://openjdk.java.net/ or http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html Download Datomic here, and unzip it into a directory. Start Datomic by going to the unzipped directory and run:...
Cisco UCS 5108 Blade Server Chassis, is six rack units (6RU) high, can mount in an industry-standard 19-inch rack, and uses standard front-to-back cooling. A chassis can accommodate up to eight half-width or four full-width Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers form factors within the sa...