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This gives rise to rich physics in particular in Mott–Hubbard insulators, which include a large family of transition-metal oxides and chalcogenides. The charge gap in these materials prevents rapid thermalization to a featureless hot electron state, and the cooperative interplay of spin, orbital, ...
Oles´, A.M., Khaliullin, G., Horsch, P., Feiner, L.F.: Fingerprints of spin-orbital physics in cubic Mott insulators: Magnetic exchange interactions and optical spectral weights. Phys. Rev. B 72, 214431 (2005)Ole´s, A. M., Khaliullin, G., Horsch, P., & Feiner, L. F....
Optical response to orbital and charge ordering in a layered manganite: La1/2Sr3/2MnO4 . Phys. Rev. B 59, 8367–8370 (1999). Article Google Scholar Tokura, Y. & Nagaosa, N. Orbital physics in transition-metal oxides. Science 288, 462–468 (2000). Article Google Scholar Konishi, Y...
In the quest to elevate the sodium-ion intercalation kinetics of transitionmetal oxide electrodes, the intrinsic low conductivity of these materials oftenacts as a bottleneck, restricting Na~+ storage. Herein, the mechanism behindsodium-ion diffusion kinetics in MnO_2 is explored, specifically focusing...
Transition metal oxides; Spin, charge, and orbital ordering 1. Introduction Since the discovery of colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) in perovskite-like manganites there have been increased ac- tivities on related oxides with dual-valent transition metal constituents. Beside the technological interest in...
The single band Mott-Hubbard model is, however, even when charge transfer effects are included, inadequate in describing the full richness found in many of the transition metal compounds [7–9]. It now becomes more and more clear that ...
In compounds such a transition metal oxides, it is found that even oxygen p electrons contribute spin angular momentum to the total magnetization. Now for materials made up only of s and p electrons, the orbitals are more localized. It is simply much moreI don't know what makes it so ...
Orbital order is important to many correlated electron phenomena, including colossal magnetoresistance and high-temperature superconductivity. A study of a previously unreported structure transition in KCuF3 suggests that direct interorbital exchange is