The orbital eccentricity of Mercury and the origin of the moon. Nature, 240:180-181.Cameron, AGW (1972) Orbital eccentricity of Mercury and the origin of the moon. Nature 240: pp. 299-300Cameron, A. 13. W. 1972. Orbital eccen- tricity of Mercuryand the origin of the moon. Nature ...
What is the orbital eccentricity for 'Oumuamua? What is the orbital velocity of the moon? How do you calculate orbital velocity? What is the orbital velocity of Mars? How to calculate orbital period What is the orbital period of Neptune?
不周山之权衡 -- Orbital Resonance and the Balance of the Earth, 从甲子之数的轨道共振天文起源,试探马王堆太乙栻盘的修正及相关筮术与医法的关联。 《淮南子·天文训》:“天墬未形,冯冯翼翼,洞洞灟灟,故曰太昭。道始生虚廓,虚廓生宇宙,宇宙生气。气有涯垠,清阳者薄靡而为天,重浊者凝滞而为地。清妙...
The eccentricity e, defines how much the ellipse is elongated. The plane of the orbit is inclined by angle i, to the ecliptic, which is the geometrical plane that contains the orbit of the Earth. The ascending node is the point where the planet moves up across the ecliptic plane and the...
1.However,the lifetime of GTO(Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) debris,which goes in a large-eccentricity ellipse with a perigee altitude of 200km and an apogee altitude of 36000km(e=0.但地球转移轨道(GTO)碎片的运行轨道是一个近地点高度为200km,远地点高度达36000km的大偏心率(e=0。
However,the lifetime of GTO(Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) debris,which goes in a large-eccentricity ellipse with a perigee altitude of 200km and an apogee altitude of 36000km(e=0. 但地球转移轨道(GTO)碎片的运行轨道是一个近地点高度为200km,远地点高度达36000km的大偏心率(e=0。6) cislunar ...
Here we present a combination of dynamical analyses and numerical simulations of particle dynamics to show that periodic variations in dynamic slopes, driven by orbital eccentricity, can cause surface grain motion. For regions with steep slopes that vary substantially over one Phobos orbit, the ...
Planet-planet scattering is the leading mechanism to explain the broad eccentricity distribution of observed giant exoplanets. Here we study the orbital stability of primordial giant planet moons in this scenario. We use N-body simulations including realistic oblateness and evolving spin evolution for th...
惊奇的是:那年发现的首例绕类日恒星的巨行星离中央星极近,只有木星轨道半径的百分之一;后来的工作又显示出其他惊奇现象:行星出现的或然率赖于恒星重元素(如铁)含量;多行星系统的轨道周期彼此间有整倍数关系;行星轨 道偏心度(eccentricity)极大;行星质量大小不同,但都不重于十个木星。
the satellite is assumed to be in a low-eccentricity, near-earth orbit and not in a rapidly-decaying orbit. These conditions were true for a large percentage of the satellite population at the time SGP was developed and allowed a model to be formulated accounting only for the primary perturba...