either side of the plane passing through the nucleus. the three p orbitals differ in the way the lobes are oriented whereas they are identical in terms of size, shape, and energy. as the lobes lie along one of the x, y or z-axis, these three orbitals are given the designations 2p ...
In analyzing pericyclic reactions, two MOs are of particular interest: theπMO of highest energy that contains one or two electrons (thehighest occupied molecular orbital, HOMO) and the MO of lowest energy that contains no electrons (the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, LUMO). For electrocycli...
The electron configuration of an atom shows how the electrons of the atom are arranged around the nucleus at various energy levels. The configuration uses the notation {eq}\rm nl^e {/eq}. In this notation, the energy level is ...
The orbital quantum number, l, is often designated as a letter. Letter designations are given to l values from 0 to 20 as follows: {s, p, d, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, t, u, v, w, x, y, z}, where s corresponds to l=0, p to l=1, d to l=2, ...
(Bandwidth is the difference in energy between the lowest and the highest MO.) For the polyene, the band will be half-filled, and so the chain could exhibit metallic behavior if the level spacing is ≪kBT. Similarly, each atom of an alkali metal contributes one electron from it...
electron. A smaller value of "n" translates to lower energy of the electron. The size of an orbital also depends on "n". We shall see in a moment that groups (Shells) of several electrons can have the same number for "n". We use the following notation for shells: Shell Designation ...