阅读理解 The orangutan (猩猩) is one of the four remaining kinds of man-like apes (类人猿) left in the world today. Orangutans are found only on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They are growing fewer. There is a danger
The biggest problem is that orangutans are losing their homes. Millions of rain - forests are cut down each year for palm oil (棕榈油). Palm oil can be used to make candy bars, cooking soaps, and pet food. Most of the palm oil produced in the world is from Sumatra and Borneo....
Most of the palm oil produced in the world is from Sumatr a and Borneo.Wildlife organizations are working hard to help protect the remaining rainforests. If the rainforests disappear,orangutans will disappear forever.48. What are orangutans? A. Rainforests. B. Great apes. C. Islands.49. What...
作者简介:Buffy Silverman enjoys learning and writing about animals. As a child, she was a frequent visitor to the monkey house at her local zoo. After writing about orangutans, she hopes to watch nonhuman primates in the world. 目录: 相关商品 怀尔德Dr.wild瑞士进口茶树油牙膏清新口气去口臭含...
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The Crisis: Orangutans have seen unprecedented habitat loss in the last fifty years. We have seen it ourselves, as the forest around Gunung Palung are replaced by oil palm, mining, and expanding humanity. By covering both the story of wild orangutans, and they issues they face, I hope to...
That would orangutans and other animals that live in rainforests.Mary says people should help orange and other animals. We are not the only creatures (生物) in the world. The animals are friends and we should live with them in peace. Mary wanted to be an explorer when she was in the ...
The biggest problem is that orangutans are losing their homes. Millions of rainforests are cut down for palm - oil (棕榈油). Palm oil can be used to make candy bars, cookies, shampoos, soaps, and many other products. Most of the palm oil produced in the world is from Sumatra and ...
Zoos give people a chance to get close to animals from every continent in the world. But zoos that offer more than just a chance to see animals are worth visiting. Singapore Zoo ...
Uniquely, orangutans are the only red-headed great apes, the world's largest primarily arboreal mammal, and the slowest to grow and breed of all land mammals, even elephants. Perplexing idiosyncracies include their genius with tools in captivity but not in the wild, their solitary lives, and...