-镜像下载(我的选择orangepi zero):http://www.armbian.com/download/-使用rufus刻录工具将解压后的img镜像文件刻录到SD卡-开发板插入SD卡,接入电源后自动启动-使用网线连接路由器和开发板,进入路由器管理页面查看orangepi的IP-putty连接:root/1234,第一次连接会要求修改密码-关机:sudo halt-重启:sudo reboot 设置...
1、到armbian网站下载适配orangepi zero开发版对应的镜像,用DiskImager软件把镜像写入TF卡 通电即开机,...
1、nmcli命令配置IP和gateway nmcli con add con-name JK_AGV ifname wlan0 type wifi ssid JK_AGV ip4 gw4 2、配置password nmcli con mod
3. Enter the username and password for your Orange Pi router In the username and password field, enter your current username and password and press enter / sign in. Default login credentials for Orange Pi If you're not sure about the username/password you can look at the default Orange ...
orangepi zero3开启指定频段WiFi热点的指令 步骤 通过-c 命令即可指定wifi频段,避免和其他wifi的频段撞在一起。 例如下面这条命令创建了一个频段为40,WiFi名为zero3,网段为192.168.12.0/24的WiFi热点 sudo create_ap -c 40 -w 2 -m nat wlan0 eth0 zero3 password -g --freq-band 5 --...
选择烧录的是官方的镜像,debian_server_For_OrangePizero_v0_9_2.img 使用的卡是刚买的,东芝,...
如果原始的Linux映像支持多个电路板,请安装引导分区,并为Orange Pi PC选择正确的uImage和script.bin。 root #mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/opipc/boot root #cp /mnt/opipc/boot/script.bin.OPI-PC_1080p60 /mnt/opipc/boot/script.bin root #cp /mnt/opipc/boot/uImage_OPI-2 /mnt/opipc/boot/uImage ...
cmd U-Boot commands functions /common Misc architecture independent functions /configs Board default configuration files /disk Code for disk drive partition handling /doc Documentation (don't expect too much) /drivers Commonly used device drivers /dts Contains Makefile for building internal U-Boot ...
Change the orangepi default password# passwd orangepi ... answer prompts Install the xfce4 desktop# apt install xfce4 Set the hostname# hostnamectl hostname "silly-name" Enable an UART.We need an uart to receive data from the Waveshare GPS card. Start orangepi-config, got to System | ...