Depuis près de 10 ans, Orange Money change des vies. Orange Money est un moyen de paiement innovant par téléphone mobile qui permet aux clients d'effectuer les…
With Orange Money Africa, you can find Points of Sale through our efficient geolocation solution and also benefit from the transaction receipt generated for you. We are making improvements every day to deliver you the best and most intuitive experience. ...
3% ou +177 millions d’euros), tirée par une solide performance de la voix ainsi que par la croissance à deux chiffres de ses quatre moteurs (+17,9% pour la Data mobile, +19,2% pour le Fixe haut débit, +18,9% pour Orange Money et en transverse ...
La seconde des deux régions s’est particulièrement distinguée, avec un CA en hausse de 10,3 %, emmené par les données mobiles, le haut débit fixe, Orange Money et la croissance des activités B2B. En France, le CA est resté stable, la croissance tirée des services a...
I live in France on a long stay visa. Orange telecom has lied and taken my money. Here are the lies as told to me at the Orange boutique at 256 Rue de Vaugirard, 75015 in Paris:- You cannot purchase a 'normal' mobile subscription, even though I showed them my passport, my long st...
a year-on-year increase of 8.2%, with accelerated growth in the 4G customer base (+26.1%) and a +3.6% increase in average Mobile ARPO in the third quarter. The fixed broadband customer base rose 17.8% to 3.8 million. Lastly, Orange Money had 37.1 million active customers,...
At the end ofNovember 2023, Orange launched the “Max it” app in five countries where Orange operates inAfrica&Middle East. This smartphone services portal brings together three essential service offers: telecoms functionalities for managing mobile and fixed lines, all of the Orang...
In 2023, Orange Middle East and Africa generated revenues of€7,2 billion, while serving149 million customers. More than90 million customershave an Orange Money account, our flagship mobile-based money transfer and financial services offer available in17 countries. ...
and the continued rapid growth of retail services (+11.3%) thanks to double-digit increases in the four growth engines, namely Mobile data (+17.9%), Fixed broadband (+19.2%), Orange Money (+18.9%) and B2B across all activities (+14.5%). Orange Money recorded revenue growth of more than...
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