很多人会说,这个简单啊,当然是orange,对吗?这是一个错了很多年的单词。橘子和橙子在外表上有些相似,但是orange仅表示“橙子”哦,比如橙汁 orange juice,橙色的外套 orange coat。那么橘子的正确说法是什么呢?答案就是:mandarin /ˈmæn.dər.ɪn/。英语基础不错的学生可能会说,这不是普通话的...
但是,在老外们看来呢,“orange” 它通常指的就是 “橙子” 的意思!所以呢,我们经常喝的 “橙汁” 就被翻译成了 “orange juice” !而在一些特定的场合,或者是特定的语境下,甚至是一些特定的条件下,“orange” 经常可以用来泛指 “ 一些柑橘类的水果”!估计这也是我们把 “orange” 翻译成 “橘子”的...
下面我们先来看看 orange 的英文释义:orange a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange centre divided into many parts orange 是一种球形水果,皮比较厚,果肉多瓣 freshly squeezed orange juice 鲜榨橙汁 I like beer, but I prefer orange juice.我喜欢啤酒,但我更喜欢橘子汁。当...
Orange Juice is a refreshing drink made by blending orange pulp with sugar & lemon extract. Orange Juice aids in glowing skin.
orange juice 双语例句 1. Gluten and acid orange juice can also help restore tanning the skin. 黄粉和酸橙汁也可以帮助恢复晒黑的皮肤。 2. He had finished the tall glass of chilled fresh orange juice. 他又喝了一大杯清凉的鲜桔子汁。
Twitter Google Share on Facebook orange peel (redirected fromorange peeling) Thesaurus Encyclopedia n 1.the thick pitted rind of an orange 2.anything resembling this in surface texture, such as skin or porcelain Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColl...
4. Orange juice can help lower inflammation Inflammation is the body’s immune system’s response to an irritant. This could be anything from a germ to a foreign body. While this process is beneficial to protect you, too many inflammatory compounds for an extended period of time can cause ...
Can Too Much Orange Juice Really Cause Acne?You may have heard the rumor floating around that drinking too much orange juice can cause acne. After all, orange juice is loaded with sugar, and we all know that sugar is bad for our skin, right? Well, as it turns out, this particular ...
This Minecraft skin from Orangejuicepapa has been worn by 27 players. It was first seen on August 12, 2017.
someone splashed orange juice and hurled napkins during the meal. legco.gov.hk 民主黨看來還有機會與特首會面,最低限度按一些“花邊新 聞 ”所作的報道,曾蔭權曾與民主黨人士在一間中式酒樓吃飯,席間 更曾發生“潑橙汁”及“擲餐巾”事件。 legco.gov.hk [...] exporter of sugar, ethanol, beef, ...