Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Agent Orange"翻译成 越南文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 From 1964 to 1971, the United States doused Vietnam with 12 million gallons of Agent Orange. Từ năm 1964 đến năm 1971, Mĩ đã rải 45,424,900 lít ...
Three new varieties are now also available in German refrigerated shelves:chocolate orange,chocolatecherry and mango and passion fruit fresh cheesecake. Na njemačkim hladnjačkim policama sada su dostupne i tri nove sorte:čokoladna naranča,čokoladnavišnja i mango te svježi kač...
In any case, #1 looks like some kind of German war medal, and I'll agree that #5 looks like a man in a turban. #2 looks too empty. Left to choose between #3 and #4, I'd pick #3 because I like symmetrical icons, and that icon is. Anonymous October 08, 2005 The W3C hasn'...
WMT German-English WMT English-German — Full Comparison Standard HParams Other resources Acknowledgment References BibTex Introduction Sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models (Sutskever et al., 2014, Cho et al., 2014) have enjoyed great success in a variety of tasks such as machine translation, ...
In any case, #1 looks like some kind of German war medal, and I'll agree that #5 looks like a man in a turban. #2 looks too empty. Left to choose between #3 and #4, I'd pick #3 because I like symmetrical icons, and that icon is. Josh Bancroft 2005年10月8日 The W3C has...
In any case, #1 looks like some kind of German war medal, and I'll agree that #5 looks like a man in a turban. #2 looks too empty. Left to choose between #3 and #4, I'd pick #3 because I like symmetrical icons, and that icon is. Anonymous October 08, 2005 The W3C hasn'...
In any case, #1 looks like some kind of German war medal, and I'll agree that #5 looks like a man in a turban. #2 looks too empty. Left to choose between #3 and #4, I'd pick #3 because I like symmetrical icons, and that icon is. Anonymous October 08, 2005 The W3C hasn'...