2024 Orange County high schools rank among nation’s best in latest U.S. News list Oxford Academy, Anaheim Union High School District: No. 4 in California, No. 22 in national rankings Orange Count...
Orange Cove High School is ranked 289th within California. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Orange Cove High School is 54%. The total minority enrollment is 98%, and 95% of st...
找到多个名为Orange High School的学校。下表中我们列出所有学校,点击链接获取更多信息。 学校名称城市州 Orange High SchoolORANGENJ Orange High SchoolLewisOH Orange High SchoolPepper PikeOH 数据购买 🛒 美国邮政编码数据库 立即购买 随机地址 521 Lancaster Ave ...
Orange High School (OHS) has the only MCJROTC Program in Orange County. Established nearly thirty years ago, the award winning OHS MCJROTC Program provides male and female cadets with a variety of unique learning experiences. The program is designed to make students more college and career ready ...
participation rate at west orange high school is 72%. the total minority enrollment is 55%, and 34% of students are economically disadvantaged. west orange high school is 1 of 60 high schools in the orange county public schools . west orange high school 2024 rankings west orange high school...
Orange High School Library Renovation.The article features the Orange High School Library in Pepper Pike, Ohio designed by Fanning/Howey Associates Inc. Information is provided about the facilities' gross area, total project cost, cost per student, student capacity, number of pupils per square feet...
马丁路德高中 Orange Lutheran High School学校成立于1973年,位于加州洛杉矶橘郡县,学校所在社区是富人区,学校环境和硬件设施非常好。 学校距离好莱坞50分钟,距离迪斯尼15分钟车程,邻近加州大学欧文分校。 Orange Lutheran High School 学校提供完善的课程系统,例如丰富的AP荣誉课程,STEM数学,科学,技术课程。学校还为在科学...
Orange Lutheran High School 橘郡路德高中 学校简介 橘郡路德高中 Orange Lutheran High School位于美国加州富裕美丽的橘郡,毗邻加州尔湾,气候适宜,距洛杉矶半小时的车程。学校有1400名学生,能提供并开展各式各样的俱乐部及体育活动,优秀校友曾参加奥运会。 学术硬核,除了提供符合加州大学UCa-g标准的课程、高级课程、大学...
Orange Lutheran High School 成立于1973年,是加州南部排名靠前的基督教私立学校之一,经国家路徳学校协会和西部院校协会认证,学校注重学生的学术教育,提供科学,技术,工程和数学方面的STEM课程;还设有多门AP课程荣誉课程。学校的宗教气氛浓厚,帮助学生建立良好的基督教知识。适合个性活泼开朗,对体育和艺术感兴趣,喜欢丰富...
加州理工科很强的学校:Orange Lutheran High School 橘郡高中(Orange Lutheran High School)成立于1973年,学校的地理位置非常优越,也是橘郡最好的高中,学校的理工科和表演艺术很强,国际生比例仅仅4%,石老师也考察过这所学校,留美网有学生就读,反馈非常不错,今年仅仅几个席位,想申请的同学可以马上咨询:400-000-7805...