Code Orange, "Grooming My Replacement" Thunder drums, wailing guitars! Code Orange bring a gut punch of blistering aggression on their hard-hitting 2023 entry, “Grooming My Replacement.” Jami Morgan invades and imprints a vitriolic dose of harshness upon his subject, passing down a new generati...
Later Shi-hoo sits on the school roof, remembering the day he met Jae-min — the day Jae-min’s mother and Shi-hoo’s uncle were married. He seems to have been a sensitive boy, and played a bit with Jae-min on their guitars, trying to make a connection. Unaware that Shi-hoo was...
It was early one morning in West Anaheim (north Harcourt Street) and Irvine cops were up here executing a search warrant for some stolen guitars and amps. According totheTimesstory, the Irvine cops arrested two men at the house on outstanding warrants, and on hearing sound...