Orange County Zip Codes Aliso Viejo and Anaheim Zip Codes Aliso Viejo 92637 Aliso Viejo 92651 Aliso Viejo 92656 Aliso Viejo 92677 Anaheim 90620 Anaheim Northwest Neighborhood 90620 Anaheim Southwest Neighborhood 90620 Anaheim 90680 Anaheim 92801
ZIP Codes:145 ZIP Codes(89 General, 53 PO Box, 2 Unique, & 1 Multi County)[More Details] Area Codes:562,626,657,714,840,909,949 Timezone:Pacific Local Time:3:45:46 PM Population:3,186,989 [More Details] FIPS:06059 CBSA:Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA ...
"92863"的中文解释是“橙色,CA”,其拼音为“chéng sè”。作为Regional缩写词,它在英语中的应用领域主要涉及地理和邮政编码系统。比如,在房产信息中,它可能表示某人在奥兰治县(Orange County)拥有房产,而奥兰治县是加利福尼亚州的一部分,距离Staples Center有一定的距离。此外,"92863"在研究中...
PMSA:Orange County, CA PMSA Intro Date:< 2004-10 Place FIPS Code:0653980 Place FIPS:Orange city; California Adjacent & Nearby 92867 ZIP Codes 92865: Orange, CA 92863: PO BOX 92862: Orange, CA 92864: PO BOX 92857: PO BOX 92856: PO BOX ...
Zip Codes! Search for TX zipcodes with Qpzm. Business, Commercial, Education and Personal use. City/Zip code State Orange is a county of Texas. It has a land area of 357 square miles. The population of Orange was 81,837 in 2010 with a negative growth rate of -3.7% since the year...
更深入地理解,"92866"代表的中文拼音为“chéng sè”,它在英文中的流行度反映了该邮政编码在通信和地理位置标识中的广泛使用。在实际应用中,它可能出现在房产信息、交通路线或商业地址中,例如:He owns three houses in ZIP Code 92866, which is located in Orange County, CA, far from the ...
Forty Plus of Orange County, Programs, support for career transition, Orange. Fundacion S.O.M.O.S, Promoting environmental development, Orange. Global Markets, Orange. Globalink Access, Web presence provider, Orange. Laserworks, Laser products, Orange. Mall of Orange, Orange. ...
"92869"的中文解释是"橙色,CA",英文原词是"Orange, California",在英语中,它被广泛用于邮政编码(ZIP Codes)中,表明一个具体的邮政区划。此外,它也出现在与特定地点相关的房产描述(如He owns three houses in Orange County, CA)和农业研究(如Satsuma Orange storage)中,显示了其在不同...
Here's the top 21 zip codes — the overwhelming majority of EV are personal vehicles. EV registrations by NJ county - Spring 2023 (, March 2023 update) EV registrations by NJ county - Spring 2023 Princeton (Mercer County) ...
Orange County Trust Co SWIFT Code SWIFT code contains eight(8) to eleven(11) characters. Primary office SWIFT codes contains eight(8) characters. Branch office SWIFT codes contains eleven(11) characters. The above list is the currently available data of SWIFT / BIC codes of Orange County Trust...