Michele Gile reports from Santa Ana, where the vote counting process continued on Wednesday. Even with it being weeks after the election, the tedious process remains ongoing all at the same time that the nation is watching one of the closest races for Congress in...
Orange County casino vote shows the will of the peopleMike Smith
COUNTY OF ORANGE AT YOUR SERVICE: DELIVERING FOR ORANGE COUNTY A GUIDE TO COUNTY OF ORANGE AGENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1st District - Andrew Do www.firstdistrictnews.com 2nd District - Michelle Steel www.ocgov.com/gov/bos/2 3rd District - Todd Spitzer...
Economics and Trump’s stance on immigration were the two main drivers that motivated her to vote for him. While she’s not always a fan of Trump’s behavior, she loves his policies. It’s not surprising, she said, that others in Orange County were swayed to his ...
First, let’s look at the so called “Blue” cities, that voted for Obama but for 4 and 8, the Yes/No results show how strongly the vote was for/against using the whole county as a baseline average: Santa Ana: Obama/McCain: 66/32 ...
Define Orange Order. Orange Order synonyms, Orange Order pronunciation, Orange Order translation, English dictionary definition of Orange Order. Noun 1. Orange Order - a Protestant political organization in Northern Ireland Association of Orangemen North
If needed, call the Poll Worker Help Desk We know it can be uncomfortable to address the issue of electioneering with a voter, so we have created a web page to explain electioneering and provide a simple outline of how to handle it in the polling place. ...
138 views|0Vote this question as useful.0Vote this question as not useful.| Last updated onAug 23, 2023CatalogeResources Check if your library card has either OC Public Libraries or Orange County Public Library printed on it. Have you lost your card and had it replaced, it’s possible you...
With groups such as Boy Scouts now open to all, and with more sports teams and STEM programs focused specifically for girls, is there still a place for an organization that began in 1912—before women could vote? Absolutely, Shepp says. “The goal has always been the same. It’s always...
You may think that it’s tough being a liberal Democratic party activist and blogger in Orange County, what with having to put up with our electeds doing the likes of […]