The Commission is a citizen advisory group with fifteen members: three members are appointed from each of the five Supervisorial Districts. At monthly meetings, the Historical Commission reviews items related to historic places, archeological and paleontological sites, archives/historic records, publication...
Because check it out:636,497people voted in Orange County this election. The County is evenly divided into FIVE Supervisor Districts, and also into FIVE Board of Education “areas” – which don’t exactly coincide, but who cares? Dividing 636,497 by 5, you’d expect for each of those r...
Local and national news, NPR, things to do, food recommendations and guides to Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire
; grant monies to local governments including school districts, and/or non-profits; programs aiding veterans and residents experiencing or at risk of homelessness; and economic support, including arts-related small businesses and non-profit organizations that support local programs around the County....
Supervisor Bartlett has served the County with distinction by taking a leadership role in the California State Association of Counties, including serving as its Chair. This is the first time in decades an Orange County Supervisor has served in this capacity. ...
Supervisor Roger R. Stanton has asked the Orange County Transportation Authority to examine ways of using revenue generated from the Measure M--the 1990 voter-approved half-cent sales tax for transportation projects--to help dig the county out of its financial crisis. ...
OC Supervisor TWO of OC’s five Districtsget to vote this month, and in THESE races, if one candidate gets over 50% the race is over and they’ve won; if none of them do, then it’s a primary and the top two go on to face each other in November. ...
quite successful to date with women seeking elected office eager to obtain support from the organization.Pat Bates was elected to State Assembly in June 1998.[And since the writing of the book, she served as County Supervisor from 2007 to 2014, and now we’re stuck with her as State ...
Barf. No significant changes in them or our other districts. Assembly races, Supervisorial races, and the rest seem stable. For OCDE Superintendent, Mijares is ahead of Bean by just under 10, which I hope stands up. === JUNE 7, ELECTION DAY! We’re changing this feed into reverse chr...
The uppermost of OC’s seven Assembly Districts, it’s only tri-county one, is represented by RepublicanPhillip Chen, who will be challenged byWalnut MayorAndrew Rodriguez, a Democrat.Michelle Hamilton— a DPOC member appointed to replace me on that august body — also filed in LA on ...