Orange County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Ferguson's new bail was set at $2 million and he was placed in handcuffs and led out of the courtroom after a hearing about whether he had violated his prior bail conditions. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge El...
Orange County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Ferguson has pleaded not guilty to a murder charge alleging he fatally shot his wife, Sheryl, during an argument in their Anaheim Hills home on August 3. Ferguson, age 72, was charged last week with murder with sentencing enhancement...
000 check during his failed bid for Congress last year. In September, Baker pleaded guilty to one count of felony forgery. But Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron S. Brown later reduced the charge to a misdemeanor, ordering Baker to perform an unspecified amount of community service...
A split 2-1 N.C. Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that Orange County might have to refund some school impact fees. A trial judge will have to determine whether fees charged for school buses and consultants' costs will lead to refunds.
-- Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert J. Polis (Ret.), commenting on the performance of counsel from Morris & Stone. --- "All I can say is blessed are those who have you as their legal representative." -- L.N. --- "But just know that we are proud ...
-- Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert J. Polis (Ret.), commenting on the performance of counsel from Morris & Stone --- "All I can say is blessed are those who have you as their legal representative." -- L.N. --- "Aaron Morris is one hell of a good...
Mittermeier, Orange County's chief executive officer in Santa Ana, California, is examining alternatives to the county's benefit plan. Information on an order from Orange County Superior Court judge Tully Seymour; Comments f...
- Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner declares county environmental study failed to adequatley analyze alteratives to airport expansion plan, thus freezing daily departures at 41. - Southern California Assn. of Governments, a regional planning agency, says a new 10-million-passenger-per-year facility...
-- Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert J. Polis (Ret.), commenting on the performance of counsel from Morris & Stone. --- "Aaron Morris is one hell of a good attorney." -- J.C. (Counsel for Bank of America, addressing the...
-- Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert J. Polis (Ret.), commenting on the performance of counsel from Morris & Stone. "Aaron Morris is one hell of a good attorney." -- J.C. (Counsel for Bank of America, addressing the court, after losing to Aaron Morris in Long Beach Superior...