library or OverDrive, place holds, renew and pay bills, you can check out material using the Self-Checkout terminals, access your account via the MYOCPL app, access eLibrary collections like OverDrive, checkout laptops/chargers from the kiosk, and access the internet terminals in the library...
Bisheff, Steve
If you live in Wake County, NC, your library membership includes Overdrive benefits. Most books available to Wake County on Overdrive have a limited number of copies, meaning that you may have to wait your turn. Lewis’s space trilogy, however, is available unlimited! I misread “editable ...
and those that aren’t can be found over in Shelbyville. Like as not, they grow and cure pipe-weed for a living. Talk with them, and their turns of phrase are pure hobbit: “I hear tell,”“right agin,”“so Mr. Frodo is his first and second cousin, once removed either way,”...