Additional Permitting Notes for Orange CountyDepartment of Health Permits Workers Compensation Requirement (PDF) CE-200 Detailed instructions to get Insurance Exemption for Permitting CE-200- Simple Instructions for Insurance Exemption CE-200- Simple Instruction for Non-profits with only volunteers ...
add Are You Eligible for a Refund for Restaurant Environmental Health Permit Fees? add Restaurant Inspection Reports add New Law Requires Tamper-Evident Delivery Methods add Regulation requires Non-Latex Gloves, Utensils, and Wrappers for handling food add Limited Service Charit...
Permit to Operate Plan Check and Repairs Testing UST FAQ - Permit to Operate remove How do I obtain a new UST permit to operate? New owner of UST(s): The new owner/operator of an underground storage tank must notify Environmental Health (CUPA) within 30 days of the change of owner...
Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I Orangetown Planning Board Comments Dated 1.24.2025 Rockland County Highway Comments Dated 1.9.2025 Rockland County Highway Comments Dated 12.30.2024 REVISED Site Plan with Dedication to the Town Rockland County Planning GMLR: Ellsworth Drive/Western Highway ...
For all sewer billing questions, Mercury Minimization The OCSD#1 Harriman wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) State Pollution Discharge and Elimination (SPDES) permit requires the WWTP to implement a mercury minimization plan to reduce to the extent possible the mercur...
About the South Orange County Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) The South OC WQIP was developed through a public stakeholder process, over a two year period (2015-17), in response to a regional municipal separate storm sewer system permit (also known as MS4 permit) adopted by the San...
FREE ESTIMATES, Electric Done Right!, Corporate Accounts to Residential, Voted BEST Electrician in Orange County CA, Professional, On Time! Answers The Phone !, San Clemente, CA
During a routine inspection of the garrison in August 2021 EPA inspectors found several violations of the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act including failure to make a hazardous waste determination, storage of hazardous waste without a permit, failure to properly manage pharmaceutical waste, failure...
add Are You Eligible for a Refund for Restaurant Environmental Health Permit Fees? add Restaurant Inspection Reports add New Law Requires Tamper-Evident Delivery Methods add Regulation requires Non-Latex Gloves, Utensils, and Wrappers for handling food add Limited Service Charitable Feeding Operatio...
The Orange County Well Ordinance (County Ordinance No. 2607) requires that a permit be obtained prior to the construction or destruction of any well. Well permits must be obtained prior to beginning exploratory borings, as well as the construction of wells. Please see the full list of projec...