Orange County Also found in:Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. A county of southern California south of Los Angeles between the Santa Ana Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. It developed as an orange growing region and is now a large population center. ...
Become a voting Democrat in Orange County today! Register to vote Join a Club Democratic clubs are the soul of the Party. Find your club by clicking the link below: Clubs Visit our Store T-Shirts, pins, buttons, masks, and more. Get your OC Democrats merchandise, all proudly ...
THROUGHOUT MAY“THE PERSUASIVE PAST OF ORANGE COUNTY”Photographs, maps, brochures, and artwork created in the 20th century to persuade people to move to Orange County make up the bulk of this exhibit. The advertisements and marketing materials highlight the ideal climate, beautiful beaches and pa...
The most comprehensive source of facts and statistics about Orange County, California, on the Internet.
Local and national news, NPR, things to do, food recommendations and guides to Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire
With a team of skilled and experienced DUI attorneys at your side, you can rest assured that every angle and every aspect of your DUI cases will be covered in defending you in court. At Orange County DUI Defense Lawyer, we tackle all kinds of California DUI cases from misdemeanor drunk dri...
Orange County DUI FAQs How much does a DUI cost in CA? The true cost of a California DUI is far higher than the fine. The minimum costs begin with a $360 minimum fine, over $1,200 in court fees, over $500 for DUI school, a $200 tow fee, and about $1,000 more each year for...
The county later dropped any plans to use eminent domain against Benderson Development, the owner of the former Macy’s store, after reaching a deal in which Benderson would become a partner in the mall’s redevelopment. That leaves the owner of the old Sears’ properties as the final hold...
Orange County California has 50 places on the National Register of Historic Places including 6 places of Statewide significance. Historic Places: Anaheim Union Water Co. Canal and Pomegranate Road, Balboa Pavilion, Bixby--Bryant Ranch House, Cogged Stone
Another county in Southern California has confirmed finding mosquitoes that carry theWest Nile virus. They were the first mosquito samples to test positive for the virus this year in Orange County, but according to the state Department of Public Health, 20 of California’s 58 counties have e...