Yellow and OrangeMark Rothko/马克·罗斯科 û收藏 253 46 ñ1491 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 设计美学博主 Ü 简介: 摄影均原创。想和你们一起,探索艺术&旅行&生活之最动人处!✨商务合作/摄影/作品商用授权邮箱:ichbinwhyi... ...
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether General Albert Sidney Johnston's dueling wound and nerve injury (1837) contributed to his death at the Battle of Shiloh (1862). General A.S. Johnston was commander of the Confederate Army at Shiloh and was killed by a bullet that severed his right popliteal ar...
Orange, Red, Yellowis a large monolith-like canvas exuding a warm and fiery range of shimmering vermillion rectangles over a cooler and thinly painted crimson wash background that Rothko painted at the very height of his career in 1961. A bold, forceful and imposing work that radiates powerful...
Orange and Yellow 下载积分: 4000 内容提示: idJob: 1263335titolo: Orange and Yellow 1 ORANGE AND YELLOW Vito Salvatore Manfredi Mettete sul fuoco una pentola piena d’acqua. A 45 gradi l’acqua sarà calda, a 70 rovente, a 99 vicina al punto di ebollizione. Ma sarà sempre e ancora ...
and material texture enact a drama of tensions. Pitting smooth and roughened facture over a density of orange ground, Rothko's rectangles run from luminous red to obdurate black, then into a neutralized yellow-brown gold worked with white: the "gold" volume and painterly density oppose the ...