Language Testing, 27 (1), 33-49. Availa- ble at: ments/Washback.pdfMunoz P & Alvarez E. Washback of an oral assessment system in the EFL classroom [ J] . Language Testing,2010,27(1) :33-49.Washback of an oral assessment ...
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), some authors have attempted to identify the OHRQoL in different settings. Most of the studies that assessed OHRQoL were among patients with a dental problem or elderly participants [14,17]. Despite the evidence on the importance of OHRQoL assessment among ...
standardizedprocedure ortheglobalassessmento unctionalspeakingability, i.e., it measures language production holistically by determin- ing patterns o strengths and weaknesses. The ACTFL OPI is interactive and adaptive, adjusting to the interests, experiences, and the linguistic ...
OWLS-II assesses language-based learning disabilities. LC/OE scales 3-21 years. RC/WE scales 5-21 years. Monitor language development over time.
OWLS-II assesses language-based learning disabilities. LC/OE scales 3-21 years. RC/WE scales 5-21 years. Monitor language development over time.
Reference [10] uses a hierarchical classification method to analyze the pronunciation categories of oral English, so as to judge whether the speaker’s spoken language is standard. Reference [11] applies machine learning to the assessment of oral English proficiency levels. Experiments show that tone...
Functional limitations, pain and dis- comfort constitute the earliest negative impacts, which in turn are followed by oral disadvantage and individual's overall assessment of oral health status. Reproducibility scores of the dental caries examination and of the ques- tionnaire items were acceptable. ...
which can be widely used in oral teaching of Chinese and English. The mini-program based on the scoring algorithm of spoken language recognition solves the problem that the current oral English teaching under one instructor’s guidance cannot be adjusted to the needs of every student in one clas...
In recent years, with the rapid development of cultural research and communication, speech assessment has achieved success and has been widely used. Phonetic measurement belongs to the field of computer-assisted language learning. It is a technology that receives speech scores, checks for errors, ...
Language TestsOral LanguageThe validity of three English oral language proficiency tests was examined in terms of Cummin's BICS/CALP distinction. The tests studied included the Idea Oral Language Proficiency Test (IPT-I; Ballard, Tighe, & Dalton, 1989), the Language Assessment Scales (LAS; De ...