What is World Oral Health Day? On the 20 March every year, we ask the world to unite to help reduce the burden of oral diseases, which affect individuals, health systems and economies everywhere.
World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated globally every year on 20 March. It is organized byFDI World Dental Federationand is the largest global awareness campaign on oral health. WOHD spreads messages about good oral hygiene practices to adults and children alike and demonstrates the importanc...
根据第1段"Thedayissetuptohelppeoplearoundtheworldknowtheimportance (重要性) oforalhealth."(这一天的设立是为了帮助世界各地的人们了解口腔健康的重要性。)可知,设立这一天是为了帮助世界各地的人们了解口腔健康的重要性。故填theimportance。(2)细节理解题。根据第2段"Someofushavetoothproblems,sowedon'twantto...
世界口腔健康日(World Oral Health Day,WOHD)由世界牙科联盟(FDI)倡议发起,于每年的3月20日设立为“世界口腔健康日(World Oral Health Day, WOHD)”。 从2008年开始,世界各地的口腔健康相关机构和社区逐步开展“世界口腔健康日”活动,提醒人们健康的牙齿...
March 20 marks World Oral Health Day(世界口腔健康日). It's a time to focus on the importance of good Here are some tips on oral health.It's more than just about having a healthy mouth. Our mouth is the first place where food goes, and it holds bacteria.Why is oral hcalth important...
March 20 marks World Oral Health Day (世界口腔健康日). It’s a time to focus on (关注) the importance of good oral health. Teens interviewed Zhang Liwen, a dentist from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital (中日友好医院) in Beijing, to share wi...
World Oral Health Day -- September 12, 2008Conrod, BurtonActa Stomatologica Croatica
3月20日是世界口腔健康日(World Oral Health Day, WOHD),来自全球近95个国家和地区的65个国家级口腔医学组织、30个大学生口腔医学组织以及世界口腔健康日的官方合作伙伴都会在这一天举行各种宣传与庆祝活动,以唤起各国民众对于口腔健康的保护意识。 世界牙科联盟(FDI)发起了主题为“携手共求口腔健康(UNITE FORMOUTH ...
with other members of the health and social care system” (P5, 102-103, 105-108). Theme two: The challenge of providing dental care to the older adult population The second theme was the challenge of providing dental care to the older adult population. Many participants referred to this ...
‘Visual inspection’ and ‘palpation’ were the most used methods of evaluating oral health status. ‘After dinner’ was the most common time of the day for assessment and scored the highest at 26.9%. Of the patients who were unable to manage self-oral hygiene, the oral health status of ...