All Oral Sex is Not the Same: Distinguishing Between Young Womens Experiences of Giving and ReceivingBayCheng, Laina Y
p Supported by peer-reveiwed citations (APA Style) Instructions: Minimum one journal per week. If each journal should be at least 2 pages with times new roman 11pts, single space. If you were placed for 2 weeks, then you are required to submit 2 journals. Word count: 1500—2000 word...
The Dental Beliefs Sur- vey [33], for example, which has 'lack of control' as one of Page 6 of 11 (page number not for citation purposes) BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:2 PdFriicgetvuaabrlielint3ycean(adnda9n5g%erCouI)snoef spsarticipants...
1465 Accesses 2 Citations 8 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Background There is limited data on client preferences for different HIV self-testing (HIVST) and provider-delivered testing options and associated factors. We explored client preferences for oral-fluid-based self-testing (OFBST), blood-...
In Aus- tralia, for example, Thomson et al. found higher dental fear for people who last visited the dentist more than 2 Page 10 of 15 (page number not for citation purposes) BMC Oral Health 2007, 7:1 FFoiglluorwein5g the path of the ...
Page 1 of 11 (page number not for citation purposes) BMC Oral Health 2009, 9:29 Background Historically diseases of the oral cavity have been viewed separately from those of the rest of the body. In recent years however efforts have been made...
5007 Accesses 9 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract The oral microbiome plays a crucial role in the establishment and maintenance of oral health. Major disturbances in the interactions between this microbiome, the microenvironment, and the host may lead to the development of oral diseases. A larg...
aromatic amino acids can be greatly reduced by forming inclusion complexes with cyclodextrin194,195. As an example, Hou et al.196reported that β-cyclodextrin interacted with hydrophobic peptides, thereby reducing the bitterness of soybean protein hydrolysates. Sim et al.197also reported that the ...
Fermented food consumption is recommended for health and environmental purposes. While it is known to impact gut microbiota, further investigation is needed to establish connections with the oral microbiota. For this purpose, we investigated the effect o
Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Legere Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. Primary Class: 514/2.8 Other Classes: 514/2.6, 514/20.9, 514/2.3 International Classes: A61K38/16;A61K38/17; (IPC1-7): A61K38/16 View Patent Images: ...