A recent review articlepublishedinPeriodontology 2000by researchers at Karolinska Institutet, collaborating with researchers in South Korea, Sri Lanka and Australia, delves into the intricate world of oral microbes and their potential impact on oral pathologies, including cancer development. Georgios Beliba...
A purposeful sample of seven patients with oral cancer was interviewed. Data were analysed using a phenomenological approach outlined by van Manen. The essence of the patients' experiences can be described as embodiment in a mouth that has become unreal, or 'uncanny'. At treatment start the ...
bdj@bda.org. Priority will be given to letters less than 500 words long. Authors must sign the letter, which may be edited for reasons of space.doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.139J. LaszloM. LehmannBritish Dental Journal
Oral cancer most often appears as a growth or sore in your mouth that doesn't go away. It's a kind of head and neck cancer. You may hear it called mouth cancer or oral cavity cancer. If it's in the back of your mouth or upper throat, that's oropharyngeal cancer. More than 50,...
Nasolabial flap reconstruction of the floor of the mouth after extirpation of oral cancer. Am J Surg. 1975; 130 :479–80.Cohen LK,et al.Nasolabial flap reconstruction of the floor of the mouth after extirpation of oral cancer. The American Surgeon . 1998...
The following are descriptions of oral problems that can occur with cancer treatment:Infections of the oral cavity can be caused by the usual organisms found in the mouth or by opportunistic organisms not usually found in the mouth. These infections can lead to serious systemic infections. The ...
checkup of your teeth and gums, your dentist also visually checks your lips and face for signs of spreading beyond your mouth. He or she may also palpate the neck and jaw area, and examine both the top and underside of your tongue. These oral cancer screenings should be done every six...
To summarize recent acquisitions in three-dimensional tongue and floor of mouth anatomy that can help in better evaluation of the pathways of cancer progression within these oral subsites, thus giving some hints for refining of the current TNM staging system.The Visual Human Project is an initiativ...
Oral candidis can be compared to unstoppable cancer or in my case I felt like a leper! Not a spot in my mouth or throat where I was not being eaten alive. Barely able to swallow pureed foods. Fluconazole saved me, but after several relapses, I asked by Dr. what would happen if my...
A case-control study of cancer of the oral tongue and floor of mouth was conducted in Kerala, Southern India, on 228 cases and 453 hospital-based controls, matched for age, sex and religion. We studied pan(betel)-tobacco-chewing, bidi (local type of cigarette)-and-cigarette-smoking, alcoh...