Explore Oral-B's electric, manual and battery toothbrushes. Read important information on how to maintain good oral hygiene and a healthy smile.
eBay Oral B Pro2 2500 Electric ToothbrushBlack with Travel Case Limited Edition历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Oral B Pro2 2500 Electric ToothbrushBlack with Travel Case Limited Edition
英国亚马逊 Oral-B Pro 2500 Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush Powered by Braun - Black (Packaging May Vary) ¥35.31英镑 去购买 7月2日下的单,7月16日到货,出乎我意料之外的快,记得我在美亚上买的东西,没有将近一个月就别想到手,首次在英亚下单,给个赞!!! 连气泡垫都没有,用纸塞一下,敷衍 开箱照 全...
一直在张大妈这潜水多日,看着大家各种晒单,简直就是各种拉拢勾引 ,终于忍不住趁英亚oral-b牙刷低价,趁机入手一只高端的(和手动牙刷相比) ,
原装oral-B欧乐B儿童电动牙刷3岁软毛充电式D12正品D100儿童礼品 OralB/欧乐B 品牌 一件代发 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥138.0 博野县 2 In 1 Oral Irrigator Electric Toothbrush无线充跨境电动牙刷 SKXK 品牌 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥150.0 月销1笔 深圳市 厂家直销电动牙刷头EB17X/18/20/25X适配oral 欧乐...
I would suggest you pick up the Oral-B Pro 2 2500 for your twins. At 11 years old, they can now use an adult toothbrush. Typically the Pro 2 2500 comes with a CrossAction brush head. It would be better if you picked up the Seni UltraThin head as that is softer and more gentle ...
在连续错过了西集网的秒杀,黑五当天也因为有事一直在飞机上不能开机刷大妈 后来一直在观望,然后就出现了 新补货:Oral-B 欧乐-B Pro 250
Oral-B Pro 2500Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush 博朗 欧乐-B 3D电动牙刷,亚马逊中国4.6星好评,现黑色款售价降至¥217.27,亚马逊中国prime会员(包括试用会员)可享受订单满¥200免直邮运费,需税费¥34.92,直邮到手约¥252。 这款电动牙刷为博朗 欧乐B 3D系列入门款,与1000型相比多了牙龈护理的模式,其它参数和国内的...
iO Electric Toothbrush Series MEET THE FULLLINEUP Experience the world's smartest toothbrush. Smart pressure sensor. Custom modes. Guided brushing. Shop Now BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY First–of–its–kind iO Magnetic technology combines micro–vibrating bristles with Oral–B’s dentist–inspired round ...
Oral-B Pro 2500 Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush 3D电动牙刷,是欧乐B 3D系列的入门款,同1000型相比多了牙龈护理的模式,参数和国内的D20一致。采用独特的杯型牙刷头,左右震动8800次/分钟,前后震动44000次/分钟,三维洁齿去除5倍牙菌斑,16度交叉刷毛清洁无死角,特有刷头压力感应技术,当压力过大时,刷头转速降低,...