A file containing wrapped PL/SQL source text is called a wrapped file. Awrapped file can be moved, backed up, or processed by SQL*Plus or the Importand Export utilities. To produce a wrapped file, use either the PL/SQL Wrapper utility or a DBMS_DDL subprogram.The PL/SQL Wrapper utility...
A file containing wrapped PL/SQL source text is called a wrapped file. Awrapped file can be moved, backed up, or processed by SQL*Plus or the Importand Export utilities. To produce a wrapped file, use either the PL/SQL Wrapper utility or a DBMS_DDL subprogram.The PL/SQL Wrapper utility...
A file containing wrapped PL/SQL source text is called awrapped file. Awrapped file can be moved, backed up, or processed by SQL*Plus or the Importand Export utilities. To produce a wrapped file, use either the PL/SQL Wrapper utility or aDBMS_DDLsubprogram.The PL/SQL Wrapper utility wrap...
EXECUTE IMMEDIATEpackage_text; -- Create package spec package_text:=generate_body('emp_actions'); -- Generate package body SYS.DBMS_DDL.CREATE_WRAPPED(package_text); -- Create wrapped package body END; / 二. Unwrap说明 wrap的目的是为了加密,所以Oracle并没有提供unwrap的方法。itpub上的一些牛人...
oracle wrapped 代码解密工具 unwraper Oracle中的Wrap 功能是为了不让别人看到函数/存储过程的SQL源码的明文, 作为技术宅,有的时候想看源码但是看不到的那种心情是可以理解的, 发一个简单易用的 Oracle wrapped 解码工具, 该工具兼容win98及以上版本的 32/64位windows系统...
(2)Packagebody (3)Typespecification (4)Typebody (5)Function (6)Procedure AfilecontainingwrappedPL/SQLsourcetextiscalledawrappedfile.Awrappedfilecanbemoved,backedup,orprocessedbySQL*PlusortheImportandExportutilities. Toproduceawrappedfile,useeitherthePL/SQLWrapperutilityoraDBMS_DDLsubprogram.ThePL/SQLWra...
(1)Packagespecification (2)Packagebody (3)Typespecification (4)Typebody (5)Function (6)Procedure AfilecontainingwrappedPL/SQLsourcetextiscalledawrappedfile. Awrappedfilecanbemoved,backedup,orprocessedbySQL*PlusortheImportand Exportutilities. Toproduceawrappedfile,useeitherthePL/SQLWrapperutilityor ...
俺将在后面写一段程序来验证unwrap的威力,矛头嘛就直接指向ORACLE自身的包了。 继续未完的测试哈.废话少说先看代码 set serveroutput on; Declare vWrappedtext Varchar2(32767); vChar Varchar2(2); vRepchar Varchar2(2); vLZinflatestr Varchar2(32767); ...
package body失效 重新生成ddl sql impdp RM_NEW/rm_new directory=dump_dir dumpfile=rm.dmp INCLUDE=PACKAGE:\=\VMC_TRANS_PKG\\ SQLFILE=ddl.sql 2019 数据技术嘉年华 @zhangweizhao Oracle 日常维护中的风险 数据泵导数 18 导入wraped package body失效 这是一个wrapped加 密过的 Unwrapper_for_SQL...
Return true if this object implements the argument or if the wrapped connection implements the argument. False otherwise. Specified by: isWrapperFor in interface Wrapper Parameters: iface - requested interface Returns: true iff this unwrap with the same argument will succeed Throws: SQLException - ...