FUNCTION with_function(p_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN p_id; END; SELECT with_function( FROM dual); / SET = (WITH * ERROR at line 2: ORA-32034: unsupported use of WITH clause SQL> 加上WITH_PLSQL hint后,语句编译通过且如期运行。 UPDATE /*+ WITH_PLSQL *...
FUNCTION with_function(p_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN p_id; END; SELECT with_function( FROM dual); / SET = (WITH * ERROR at line 2: ORA-32034: unsupported use of WITH clause SQL> 加上WITH_PLSQL hint后,语句编译通过且如期运行。 UPDATE /*+ WITH_PLSQL *...
a query_name defined in one subquery_factoring_clause can be used in the subquery of any subsequent subquery_factoring_clause.(WITH语句不允许嵌套,之前定义的WITH语句可以在它后面的任何一个WITH语句中使用)
If you want the name of the museum then you canJOINto the museum table (and either includemuseum_namein theGROUP BYclause or, because there is a correspondence frommuseum_idtomuseum_name, you can use an aggregation function to find the name): SELECTMAX(museum_name)ASmuseum_nameFROMpaintings...
For example, without a function-based index, if you wanted to perform a case-insensitive selection of data you would have to use the UPPER function in the WHERE clause, which would retrieve every candidate row and execute the function. With a function-based index based on the UPPER function...
This release contains support for theACCESSIBLE BYclause. You can use theACCESSIBLE BYclause in theCREATEFUNCTION,CREATEPROCEDURE, andCREATEPACKAGEstatements. 1.22.2Bug fixes In previous releases, queries on theSYS.USER_USERSorSYS.DBA_USERSviews could fail with an error indicating an incorrect resourc...
the function operates on and returns an output row for each group defined by the GROUP BY clause. ■ As an analytic function, LISTAGG partitions the query result set into groups based on one or more expression in the query_partition_clause. The arguments to the function are subject to the ...
So we want a clause of: CONNECT BY PRIOR parent = child. That means "the prior row's parent equals this row's child" So the query looks like: SELECT child, parent, level FROM family_tree CONNECT BY PRIOR parent = child START WITH parent = 'John' SQL Fiddle example (This is a ...
If column is declared as a REF with aSCOPEclause, the column is made smaller by omitting the object table metadata and theROWID. A scoped REF is 16 bytes long. If the object identifier is primary-key based, Oracle may create one or more internal columns to store the values of the primar...
When defining a user-defined constructor in C, you must specifySELF(and you may optionally specifySELFTDO) in thePARAMETERSclause. On entering the C function, the attributes of the C structure that the object maps to are all initialized toNULL. The value returned by the function is mapped to...