CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE <TABLE_NAME> ( <column specification> ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 新建事务临时表语法 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE <TABLE_NAME> ( <column specification> ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3、示例。 新建会话临时表 CREATE GLOBAL TEM...
SQL> create global temporary table gt2 on commit delete rows as select * from dba_objects; Table created. --还有一种临时表,在提交的时候保留数据 SQL> create global temporary table gt3 on commit preserve rows as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> select count(1) from gt3; COUN...
SQL> create global temporary table gt2 on commit delete rows as select * from dba_objects; Table created. --还有一种临时表,在提交的时候保留数据 SQL> create global temporary table gt3 on commit preserve rows as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> select count(1) from gt3; COUN...
SQL> create global temporary table t_global_temp(a int) on commit preserve rows; Table created. SQL> insert into t_global_temp values(1); 1 row created. ---提交前查询 SQL> select * from t_global_temp; A --- 1 SQL> select segment_name,segment_type from user_segments where segment_...
createglobaltemporarytable临时表名( colum,colum,... )oncommitdeleterows;oncommitpreserverows; 说明: on commit delete rows; 说明数据行只有在当前事务中可见,也是默认值,事务提交后数据行将消失;创建的是事务级临时表。 on commit preserve rows; 说明数据行仅在当前会话中可见;创建的是会话级临时表。 二、...
create global temporary table t_global_temp( a int ) on commit preserve rows; 创建全局临时表指定on commit preserve rows,这种临时表不占用表空间,而且不同的SESSION之间互相看不到对方的数据,在会话结束后表中的数据自动清空 3、Temp Table 数据的时效性 ...
多项选择题以下关于Oracle全局临时表(Global Temporary Table)和永久表(Permanent Table)说法正确的有() A.如果数据库有多个临时表空间,要查看GTT属于哪一个临时表空间,可以像PT表一样通过dba_tables字典中的tablespace_name字段来判定 B.PT在创建之时,会立即分配至少一个extents的存储空间 ...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about Oracle global temporary table and how to use the CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE to create a new transaction or session-specific global temporary table. Introduction to Oracle global temporary tables A temporary table is a table that holds data only ...
insertintotransaction_temp(tid, tname)values(1,'a');insertintotransaction_temp(tid, tname)values(2,'b');--commit;select*fromtransaction_temp; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 查询截图: 2.2 会话级临时表 createglobaltemporarytablesession_temp ( tidnumber(3), ...
A new variation of temporary tables has been introduced in Oracle 18c. A private temporary table is a memory-based temporary table that is dropped at the end of the session or transaction depending on the setup. You can read more about them here. ...