General error: 1 OCIStmtExecute: ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.SYS_C004023) violated? 1 Oracle unique constraint error when inserting 0 Oracle MERGE raise ORA-00904 error 0 ORA-00001: unique constraint check data source 5 Oracle Merge - constraint violation on unique key 4 ORA-01452:...
“`sql ORA00001: unique constraint (schema_name.constraint_name) violated “` schema_name是约束所属的方案名称,constraint_name是违反的唯一约束名称。 以下是关于Oracle唯一索引报错的一些详细解释: 原因分析 1、数据重复:当插入或更新的数据在唯一索引对应的列中存在重复值时,将触发该错误。 2、主键冲突:当表...
mybatis批量插入oracle时报错:unique constraint (table name) violated,是因为插入的集合中有两条相同唯一约束的数据。
Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MYDB.SYS_C0013475) violated SQLState: 23000 ErrorCode: 1 It seems like it's simply a PK constraint on ITEM_TYPE table, though I can't say for sure as I'm Oracle newbie. But if it is, why does it prevent inserting into an empty table? ...
Oracle插入数据时出现 ORA-00001: unique constraint 背景: 后台服务测试过程中,发现往Oracle数据库表中插数据出现一个错误 unique constraint,如下: ### Error updating database. Cause:Java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:ORA-00001: unique constraint (TEST53.SYS_C0032604) violated ### The error...
truncate the table and repeat it again , or creating a primary key and continue, however an error will be raised because of 'unique constraint violated' for every record that was inserted in the last 2 hours. performance oracle Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 9, 2014 at 16:...
ORA-00001:unique constraint (HR.EMP_EMAIL_UK) violated Unless a NOT NULLconstraint is also defined, a null always satisfies a unique key constraint. Thus,columns with both unique key constraints and NOT NULL constraints are typical.This combination forces the user to enter values...
[ORACLE错误]ORA-00001: unique constraint (...) violated并不一定是数据冲突 遇到这种情况,重建完表和索引后,终于正常INSERT了。 prompt Importing table COUPON_ACTIVITY set feedback off set define off insert into COUPON_ACTIVITY (ID, ACTIVITY_SUBJECT, BEGIN_DATE, END_DATE, STATUS, CREATE_BY, CREATE...
ORA00001: unique constraint (schema.unique_constraint_name) violated “` 4、修改数据:如果需要修改已存在的记录以使其满足唯一约束的要求,可以通过更新操作来完成,如果尝试更新具有相同组合值的记录,Oracle将抛出一个异常。 “`sql UPDATE table_name SET column1 = new_value1, column2 = new_value2, … ...