Oracle系列---【磁盘有空间,但是报unable to extend index ... by 128 in tablespace COM_ASC】 如果你想快速解决这个问题,请参考: 一、Oracle 表空间满了的问题可能出现在以下几个方面 1.数据文件达到最大大小限制:即使启用了自动扩展,数据文件可能已经达到了其最...
create index IDX_ANA_PNR_OFFICE on ANA (OFFICE_CITY, OFFICE_NO) tablespace IDX; 查看SQL是: storage ( initial 64K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); 问题追查: 1、首先针对1654这个报错,MOS是这样介绍的: Error: ORA-01654 Text: unable to extend index %s.%s by %s in tablespace %s...
RHN Satellite server giving Oracle errors - "ORA-01654: unable to extend index DATA_TBS" Unable to import channel via satellite-sync. Satellite-sync fails with following error: Raw RHNSAT.RHN_PKG_CL_PID_N_TXT_TIME_UQ by 16 in tablespace DATA_TBS', 'insert into rhnPackageChangeLog (package...
ORA-01652:unable to extend temp segment by num in tablespace name ORA-01652:unable to extend temp segment by num in tablespace name 产生原因:ORACLE临时段表空间不足,因为ORACLE总是尽量分配连续空间,一旦没有足够的可分配空间或者分配不连续就会出现上述的现象。 解决方法:我们知道由于ORACLE将表空间作为逻辑...
unable to extend rollback segment NAME by NUM intablespace NAME 产生原因 上述ORACLE错误为回滚段表空间不足引起的 这也是ORACLE数据管理员最常见的ORACLE错误信息 当用户在做一个非常庞大的数据操作导致现有回滚段的不足 使可分配用的回滚段表空间已满 无法再进行分配 就会出现上述的错误 解决方式 使用 ALTER ...
ORA-1654 unable to extend index ... in tablespace ... Maximum extents reached condition The number of extents in a table/index/temporary segment/undo segment/cluster/LOB/table partition/index partition equals the maximum extents defined on the object. For example, the following errors fall in ...
ORA-01654: unable to extend index <index> by 128 in tablespace <tblspace> For full details of the ttCacheConfig built-in procedure, see the "ttCacheConfig" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.Poor autorefresh performance Poor autorefresh performance is usually the resu...
bystringfor tablespacestringORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment bystringin tablespacestringORA-01653: unable to extend tablestring.stringbystringin tablespacestringORA-01654: unable to extend indexstring.stringbystringin tablespacestringORA-01655: unable to extend clusterstring.stringbystringin ...
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace STASHTBS Because of these errors, creation of an index for the "AO_C77861_AUDIT_ENTITY" table, which contains the audit log entries, failed. Bitbucket's application logs include er...
ORA-01650:unable to extend rollback segment NAME by NUM intablespace NAME 产生原因:上述ORACLE错误为回滚段表空间不足引起的,这也是ORACLE数据管理员最常见的ORACLE错误信息。当用户在做一个非常庞大的数据操作导致现有回滚段的不足,使可分配用的回滚段表空间已满,无法再进行分配,就会出现上述的错误。