1. 用下面的语句找到trace文件的路径 select * from v$diag_info where name='Default Trace File'; 2. 创建一个directory用来加载trace文件 create or replace directory tracefile as '/usr/app/oracle/admin/getpstg/diag/rdbms/getpstg/getpstg/trace/'; 3.创建external table. create table trace_log (co...
打开一个,发现都是监听sqlpuls登录的信息,即trace文件: 那么为什么这个trace文件在这个路径中? 经@Yong Huang提醒,原来这个问题和11g的ADR设置有关,下面是ADR的官方介绍: The Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) is a file-based repository for database diagnostic data such as traces, dumps, the alert log...
TraceFileLocation: Trace file destination directory, for example,D:\traces\. This is different from ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver, which supportsTraceFileName. TraceLevel:1= public APIs;2= private APIs;4= network APIs/data. These values can beORed. To enable everything, setTraceLevelto7. Errors ...
The name of the trace file is:xa_db_namedate.trcwhere db_name is the database name you specified in the open string field DB=db_name, and date is the date when the information is logged to the trace file.If you do not specify DB=db_name in the open string, then it automatically...
[oracle@SimpleLinux trace]$ ls -l total 92 -rw-r--- 1 oracle oinstall 86384 Sep 11 09:37 alert_ora11g.log 调用命令,以两个并行度的方法进行导出动作。 [oracle@SimpleLinux dumpdata]$ expdp \"/ as sysdba\" directory=dumpdir schemas=scott dumpfile=scott_dump.dmp parallel=2 trace=480300...
Oracle版本为12c R2:搭建完成DG库有trace目录中日志增长过快,其中一类mmon 的日志中主要为如下内容 AUTO SGA: kmgs_parameter_update_timeout gen0 0 mmon alive 1 需要安装补丁(Doc ID 2298766.1) 另一类为ORA-19527和ORA-312报错,需要设置log_file_name_convert ...
welcome to my oracle support get the most out of your oracle products and services, find answers, engage with communities, and resolve issues. sign in help us route you to a support portal email required next unified sign in experience for cloud users we redesigned the sign in page as part...
告警日志文件是一类特殊的跟踪文件(trace file)。 告警日志文件命名一般为alert_<SID>.log,其中SID为ORACLE数据库实例名称。 数据库告警日志是按时间顺序记录message和错误信息。 Alert log contents The alert log is a chronological log of messages and errors, and includes the following items: ...
| 21 Manual Database Log Purge • TFA can manage ADR log and trace files – Show disk space usage of individual diagnostic destinations – Purge these file types based on diagnostic location and or age: • "ALERT", "INCIDENT", "TRACE", "CDUMP", "HM", "UTSCDMP", "LOG" tfactl ...
对应trace 猜测可能是资源限制问题,但查了很多都是正常。 ipcs –ma 查看 Oracle 共享内存段 ipcs -q 对应时间段的 OS message Grid 用户资源限制情况,基本上都是无限制。 Oracle 用户资源限制情况,基本上都是无限制 使用strace 跟踪启动过程 strace–o /tmp/strace2.log srvctl start database -d teststb –...