还有一些bug会引起WARNING: too many parse errors,此时就必须在Oracle metalink上进行搜索,仔细匹配了。例如Doc ID 2976229.1[2]。它的现象是Oracle DG的备库中一直出现"WARNING: too many parse errors",而且数据库版本为Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to 2023-09-0...
它的现象是Oracle DG的备库中一直出现"WARNING: too many parse errors",而且数据库版本为Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to 2023-09-04T13:19:41.797929+00:00 WARNING: too many parse errors, count=13900 SQL hash=0x0cd5bf3b PARSE ERROR: ospid=15822, err...
12c以上ORACLE数据库,报警日志中,大量报警日志:WARNING: too many parse errors,可以通过修改以下参数解决: alter system set "_kks_parse_error_warning"=0; 具体参见: Doc ID 2320935.1 附: 'WARNING: too many parse errors' in the 12.2 Alert.log (Doc ID 2320935.1) In this Document Symptoms Cause Sol...
BUG 26184177 - "WARNING: TOO MANY PARSE ERRORS" IN THE ALERT.LOG <===closed as duplicate to ...
根据上下文的意思,排查发现, SLUCEXTWOUSER 用户 对SLUCEXTWO.T_INFO_BLOCKCHAINS的 block_num列无update权限。 解决办法: grant update(block_num) on SLUCEXTWO.T_INFO_BLOCKCHAINS to SLUCEXTWOUSER; 参考文档:'WARNING: too many parse errors' in the 12.2 Alert.log (文档 ID 2320935.1)...
Hi, In a 12c database I see the following warning: WARNING: too many parse errors, count=100 SQL hash=0x403998A1
WARNING: too many parse errors, count=1850258 SQL hash=PARSE ERROR: ospid=, error=911 for statement: SOLUTION: Fix the application code to issue a valid SQL Set _kks_parse_error_warning=0 to mute the warning。 Please note that a high number of invalid (syntactically incorrect) SQL can re...
检查alert日志报大量的 ORA-1653:unable to extend tableSYS.WRI$_SQLTEST_PLAN_LINES by 8192 in tablespace SYSAUX 以及 WARNING:too many parse errors… 检查CDB表空间情况,SYSAUX已经达到100G。 SYSAUX是SYSTEM的辅助表空间,存放一些metadata组件,还有awr快照信息,通常都不大(小于1G)。
WARNING: too many parse errors, count=10200 SQL hash=0x0e407ce1 PARSE ERROR: ospid=20021, error=904 for statement:###定位故障发起时的sqlselect machine,username,sid,Serial#,PROGRAM,PORT from v$session where sid=194;machine:xxx-s111-fac1111-fdfgb-ueru8username...
WARNING: too many parse errors, count=10200 SQL hash=0x0e407ce1 PARSE ERROR: ospid=20021, error=904 for statement: ### 定位故障发起时的sql select machine,username,sid,Serial#,PROGRAM,PORT from v$session where sid=194; machine:xxx-s111-fac1111-fdfgb-ueru8 username...