根据文档,从11.2.0.2版本之后,为v$sort_usage的基表增加了KTSSOSQLID列,它真正代表消耗高temp表空间的sql x$ktsso is the base table that stores the temp tablespace usage information. With or earlier, it stores no SQLIDs. From, a new column KTSSOSQLID had been added. 所以...
SQL>alter tablespace temp increase 0; 三、Kill session 1、 使用如下语句a查看一下认谁在用临时段 SELECT se.username, se.SID, se.serial#, se.sql_address, se.machine, se.program, su.TABLESPACE,su.segtype, su.CONTENTS from v$session se, v$sort_usage su WHERE se.saddr = su.session_addr ...
SQL 查询语句: SELECTt.tablespace_name,to_char((t.total_space-NVL(f.free_space,0)),'999,999')"USED (MB)",to_char(NVL(f.free_space,0),'999,999')"FREE (MB)",to_char(t.total_space,'999,999')"TOTAL (MB)",to_char((round((NVL(f.free_space,0)/t.total_space)*100)),999)...
tablespace, segtype, sql_textfromv$sort_usage su, v$parameter p, v$session se, v$sql swherep.name='db_block_size'andsu.session_addr=se.saddrands.hash_value=su.sqlhashands.address=su.sqladdrorderbyse.username,se.sid; 没有使用中. 4. 可尝试手动清理临时空间 SQL>selectts#, nameFROMv$tabl...
FROM V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME) F WHERE D.TABLESPACE_NAME = F.TABLESPACE_NAME(+) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 为空间不足的表空间增加数据文件 ALTER TABLESPACE &tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE '&datafile_name' SIZE 2G; ...
If temp tablespace is full then you will get the error “ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP” Query to check Temp Tablespace Usage SELECT A.tablespace_name tablespace, D.mb_total, SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, ...
SQL>alter tablespace temp increase 0;三、Kill session 1、 使用如下语句a查看一下认谁在用临时段 SELECT se.username, se.SID, se.serial#, se.sql_address, se.machine, se.program, su.TABLESPACE,su.segtype, su.CONTENTS from v$session se, v$sort_usage su WHERE se.saddr = su....
Round(SUM(blocks*8192)/(1024*1024),2) USED_SPACEFROMv$sort_usageGROUPBYtablespace) FWHERED.tablespace_name=F.tablespace(+)ANDD.tablespace_namein('TEMP','TEMP1') 当然在分析这个问题的时候发现自己当时建立表空间并且指定默认表空间的时候,错误的将默认表空间指给了oracle建库的时候的临时表空间,而自己特...
where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name order by a.tablespace_name 4.2、查看表空间使用率(包含temp临时表空间) --查看表空间使用率(包含临时表空间) select * from ( Select a.tablespace_name, (a.bytes- b.bytes) "表空间使用大小(BYTE)", a.bytes/(1024*1024*1024) "表空间大小(GB)", b...
gettempusage.sql 这个SQL是查询Oralce数据库的temp表空间使用率 select round ((s.tot_used_blocks/f.total_blocks)*100, 2) as "percent used" from ( select sum (used_blocks) tot_used_blocks from v$sort_segment where tablespace_name = ( select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents...