selectcount(*)fromdba_free_space where tablespace_name='xx'; 二、问题处理 2.1 Hint 参考 Queries on DBA_FREE_SPACE are Slow (Doc ID271169.1)1) In release 10g, the view dba_free_spaceismodified to access sys.recyclebin$ also. SQL>selecttextfromdba_viewswhereview_name='DBA_FREE_SPACE'; ...
19、select t.tablespace_name,t.file_id,t.block_id,t.bytes,t.blocks from dba_free_space t; //查询表空间的使用情况,bytes表示该表空间空闲表空间大小,blocks标示剩余块数 20、alter database datafile 'E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\GIAPSYS' resize 100m; //重新为数据文件划分尺寸,在原...
select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as free_space,tablespace_name from dba_free_spacegroup by tablespace_name;SELECT A.TABLESPACE_NAME,A.BYTES TOTAL,B.BYTES USED, C.BYTES FREE,(B.BYTES*100)/A.BYTES "% USED",(C.BYTES*100)/A.BYTES "% FREE"FROM SYS.***$TS_***AIL A,SYS.***$TS_...
39、1 if no limitDROPPEDVARCHAR2(3)Whether the tablespace has been droppeddba_free_spaceColumnDatatypeNULLDescriptionTABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the tablespace containing the extentFILE_IDNUMBERFile identifier number of the file containing the extentBLOCK_IDNUMBERStarting block number of the ext...
createtableSPACE_TEMP ( TABLESPACE_NAMECHAR(30), CONTIGUOUS_BYTESNUMBER) /declarecursorqueryisselect*fromdba_free_spaceorderbytablespace_name, block_id; this_row query%rowtype; previous_row query%rowtype; total number;beginopenquery; fetch query into this_row; previous_row := this_row; total :...
(select max(bytes) from dba_free_space where tablespace_name = ds.tablespace_name);EOF2 grep -i ^ORA- $LOGFIL >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]then echo "$0 failed: check $ORACLE_INSTANCE for problems" | /bin/mailx -s "${ORACLE_INSTANCE} : Script failed" $NOTIFY_LIST...
oracle_database_tablespace_usedPercent G2-OracleDB-Database Space UsageG2-OracleDB-Database Space Usage Monitor.% oracle.asm.archive.pct Oracle ASM Archive pctOracle query for ASM ARCHIVE diskgroup.% Oracle ASM Data pctOracle query for ASM DATA diskgroup.% ...
GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME) DSQ WHERE DFQ.TABLESPACE_NAME = DSQ.TABLESPACE_NAME(+); The result of the above query will be : In the above query, we have selected all tablespaces names, the total size of each tablespace, tablespace free space size in MB, and another column for showing the ...
(select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2) free_mb from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f where t.tablespace_name=f.tablespace_name order by percent_free desc; We are using zabbix external scripts to check it ad-hoc and It failing because the time this query takes...
block_size / 1024 / 1024, 2) ts_free_mb, round(a.tablespace_usedsize / a.tablespace_size * 100, 2) pct_used FROM cdb_hist_tbspc_space_usage a, (SELECT tablespace_id, nb.con_id, substr(rtime, 1, 10) rtime, max(snap_id) snap_id FROM dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage nb group by...