TYPE leadtime_tbl_typeISTABLEOFleadtime_rec_type ;--INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- Public constant declarations --<ConstantName> constant <Datatype> := <Value>; -- Public variable declarations --<VariableName> <Datatype>; -- Public function and procedure declarations --function <FunctionName>(...
table_name, column_name, row_value ,effective date The GET_TABLE_VALUE function returns the value of a cell in a user-defined table. The three text operands, which identify the cell (table_name, column_name, and row_value), are mandatory. The date operand is optional. If it is not ...
end f_test_array;/select*fromtable(f_test_array(10));select*fromthe(selectf_test_array(10)fromdual);/*2、table()结合PIPELINED函数:*/create or replace function f_test_pipe(ninnumberdefaultnull)returnt_test_table PIPELINEDasv_test t_test_table :=t_test_table(); beginforiin1.. nvl(n,1...
# 学习实现表值函数(Table-Valued Function)在 MySQL 中的步骤 在MySQL中,表值函数是一种返回表的函数。这在需要从数据库返回多个结果集时非常有用。对于刚入行的小白开发者来说,实现表值函数看起来可能有些复杂,但我们可以将其拆分为几个简单的步骤。本文将通过系统化的方法帮助你理解如何在MySQL中实现表值函数...
1.Table()函数: set feedback off create or replace type type_int_date_varchar2 as object (i integer, d date, v varchar2(99)) / create or replace type table_int_date_varchar2 as table of type_int_date_varchar2 / create or replace function f_int_date_varchar2 return table_int_date...
Example:select * from table(manprivs.ListTabPrivs(‘sh,hr’,“,‘select,update,delete,insert’,'N‘,'PUBLIC’));*/Function ListSysPrivs(ObjOwner varchar2 default null) return PrivsList pipelined; 1. 2. 3. 4. 产看对象的系统权限
FunctionListRolePrivs(ObjOwnervarchar2defaultnull)returnPrivsListpipelined; 查看对象的角色Oracle权限 Example: select*fromtable(ManPrivs.ListRolePrivs(‘sh,hr’)); */ FunctionListRoleSysPrivs(ObjOwnervarchar2defaultnull)returnPrivsListpipelined;
Total Usage Revenue Amount/# of Active Quotes The total Quote Contract value in all Quotes The total Recurring Revenue Amount from all Quotes The total Non-Recurring Revenue Amount from all Quotes The total Usage Revenue Amount from all Quotes CX Opportunity Quote Lines This table describes the ...
public Object table() Get the table property: The table name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the table value.tableName public Object tableName() Get the tableName property: This property will be retired. Please consider using ...