Ideally each field name should be unique within the database schema. This makes it easy to search through a large set of code (or documentation) and find all occurences of the field name. The convention is to prefix the fieldname with a 2 or 3 character contraction of the table name e...
Table 6-1 Data Stored by Oracle Names Data Description Other Names Server Names and Addresses A Names Server stores the names and addresses of all other Names Servers in the same region. If there is more than one region in a network, the Names Server will store the name and address of...
1-1 2 Tables Overview This section provides information about tables within Oracle Fusion CX Analytics warehouse and their columns, primary keys denoted as key columns, data types, and the referred table and column names. Note: Tables ending with the suffix _EN and those listed in Tables ...
The following table summarizes the feature differences between the Compute Classic and Dedicated Compute Classic offerings: An OCPU is defined as the CPU capacity equivalent of one physical core of an Intel Xeon processor with hyper threading enabled. For Intel Xeon processor each OCPU corresponds to...
Review the table below to determine which offering best meets your licensing requirements. *Subject to Microsoft's Terms and Conditions. **Application licenses may require License Mobility through Software Assurance when running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic Windows Server Instances. Questions about...
#export Oracle location:exportDATA_SOURCE_NAME=oracle://system:password@oracle-sid#or using a complete url:exportDATA_SOURCE_NAME=oracle://user:password@myhost:1521/service#19c client for primary/standby configurationexportDATA_SOURCE_NAME=oracle://user:password@primaryhost:1521,standbyhost:1521/ser...
Tableau Desktop prend également en charge les fonctions de table Oracle, qui apparaissent sous Procédures stockées dans le volet gauche de la page Source de données. Depuis Tableau version 2020.2, vous pouvez vous connecter à des colonnes de données spatiales. Pour plus d’informations, co...
UnderTable, select the search icon or enter the table name and select the search icon, and then select the table. Note:Search is case-sensitive. Tableau Desktop also supports connecting to Oracle table functions, which appear underStored Proceduresin the left pane of the Data Source page. ...
If I run a DESCRIBE call to look at the structure of the LOGGING table, like DESCRIBE LOGGING;, for instance, I get this output: Name Null? Type --- --- --- LOGGING_ID NOT NULL NUMBER EVENT_DATE NOT NULL TIMESTAMP(6) ACTION_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(255) CODE_LOCATION VARCHAR2(255) Notic...
Convention Meaning boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary. italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. ...