ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed 你看下,报了这样的错,说明当时对于这两张表有做ddl操作,而你看到last_ddl_time是5:30,可能之后又做了ddl操作,所以你看到的时间不一致。
ConstructorDescription OracleCloudStorageReadSettings() Creates an instance of OracleCloudStorageReadSettings class.Method Summary Развернутьтаблицу Modifier and TypeMethod and Description Object deleteFilesAfterCompletion() Get the deleteFilesAfterCompletion property: Indicates whether...
SQL Server and Oracle data types do not have a simple one-to-one mapping. The following table definition was used for Oracle: Copy create table LINEITEM (L_SHIPDATE DATE not null, L_ORDERKEY NUMBER(19,0) not null, L_DISCOUNT NUMBER(10,4) not null, L_EXTENDEDPRICE NUMBER(19,4) not...
Nonseed templates are more flexible than their seed counterparts because all data files and online redo log files are created to your specification, and names, sizes, and other attributes can be changed as required. DBCA Templates Provided by Oracle Oracle provides the templates shown in Table 2...
This evolution previously presented a problem when table structures were changed as applications changed. Typically, a new release of an application would be run in test mode, and this testing is most valid if it can run on production data. Prior to EBR, this requirement would force testers to...
6-21 Disregard Previous Release Note: Package Name for RMIInitialContextFactory Has Changed ... 6-21 7 Oracle HTTP Server 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 General Issues and Workarounds ......
ORA-10520: recreate package/procedure/view only if definition has changed ORA-10550: signal error during create as select/create index after n rows ORA-10560: block type '' ORA-10561: block type '', data object# ORA-10562: Error occurred while applying redo to data block (file# , block...
CREATE TABLE http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e17118/statements_7002.htm#SQLRF01402 表空间(tableSpace) 段(segment) 盘区(extent) 块(block) 关系 一. Storage 参数说明 1. INITIAL Specify the size of the first extent of the object. Oracle allocates spac...
This error looks like the result of inconsistent data types in the table during the query, have you changed any data types of the columns in the oracle table or table name? If the issue occurs only for this specific report , it is suggested to republish the report to ano...
a directory, C:\ MetalinkMetadataDump (user-settable); and succeeds in a few minutes, after which the message “The Patch Advisory Information may be stale” is no longer visible on the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control console’s home page—this information has been updated by the job...