Alternate number +84 2 835211445 Support Sales ForRetail Support Renewals, you canrenew onlineor call 1.888.545.4577. Fornew license or cloud subscription sales, call 1.800.633.0738. Allconsumables and hardware devices, as well asconsulting time, can be purchasedonline. ...
Fornew Oracle Hospitality and Food & Beverage Customersplease read how you can register for a support accounthere. For help with this process, please contact Oracle Support via the appropriate contact number below. If you require support for the Oracle Retail products, please find those channels ...
My Oracle Support ( is your initial point of contact for all product support and training needs. A representative at Customer Access Support can assist you with My Oracle Support registration. Call the Customer Access Support main number at 1-800-223-1711 (toll-free...
(Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled & Current Date > Activity Due Date) The total Tasks (Activity function = Task) The total Appointments (Activity function = Appointments) The total Call Reports (Activity function = Call Reports) Average time to Complete the Activity Average number of ...
ORA-17031setAutoClose: Only support auto close mode onsetAutoClose:仅支持自动关闭模式打开。 ORA-17032cannot set row prefetch to zero行预取不能设置为零。 ORA-17033Malformed SQL92 string at position出现格式不正确的 SQL92 串。 ORA-17034Non supported SQL92 token at position出现不支持的 SQL92 标记。
ORA-17160 execution context id sequence number out of range 执行上下文 ID 序列号超出范围。 ORA-17161 Invalid transaction mode used 使用的交易模式无效。 ORA-17162 Unsupported holdability value 不支持的 holdability 值。 ORA-17163 Can not use getXAConnection() when connection caching is enabled 无法在...
My Oracle Support provides access to Sun Product Patches and Updates, along with the best practice recommendations generated by other proactive tools. In addition, the Oracle Services Tools Bundle, which includes Oracle Explorer Data Collector, provides a number of key capabilities core to systems ana...
For more information, see Oracle Corporation’s Call Interface Programmer’s Guide. Error Handling The Oracle destination has a single error output. The component error output includes the following output columns: Error Code: The number that corresponds to the current error. See the Oracle documenta...
For more information, see Oracle Corporation’s Call Interface Programmer’s Guide. Error Handling The Oracle destination has a single error output. The component error output includes the following output columns: Error Code: The number that corresponds to the current error. See the Oracle documenta...
Describes structures you can use to work with Oracle data types, including OracleNumber and OracleString. Oracle Sequences Describes support for retrieving the server-generated key Oracle Sequence values. Oracle Data Type Mappings Lists Oracle data types and their mappings to the OracleDataReader. Ora...